Essential tremor’s dementia risk 07105

Essential tremor’s dementia risk

An essential tremor is a visible shaking of the hands, head and/or torso — and/or sometimes a quivering voice. It’s usually diagnosed after age 65 and half the time it’s linked to a genetic predisposition. For the rest of the folks, the cause is unknown, although it may be related to thyroid disease, metabolic problems, the side effects of medications or exposure to chemical toxins.

What is now known, however, is that having essential tremor puts the 7-10 million Americans with the condition at an increased risk for dementia. A recent study found that around 27% of people with ET developed mild cognitive impairment and 19% developed dementia — about triple the expected rate in the general population. A previous study by the same researchers found that those with ET who had a hard time falling asleep were also at increased risk of developing dementia.

There are medications that help about 60% of people with ET manage symptoms — including the beta-blocker propranolol, antiseizure meds like gabapentin, and Botox injections. Magnetic resonance-guided, high-intensity focused ultrasound is also used to target the thalamus in the brain — a transit point for messages about movement and sensation.

If you sense the development of tremors or they are already noticeable, see a neurologist for your best treatment options.

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