Soothing sciatica (Roizen article) 07105

Soothing sciatica

Up to 40% of people experience the nerve pain of sciatica at least once in their life. It may strike like an electric shock, a numb tingling, or a persistent ache (or all three) and can affect the lower back, thigh, calf and toes. It may lead to leg weakness and even loss of bladder or bowel control.

Sciatica can be caused by a herniated or ruptured disc; narrowing of the spinal canal (stenosis), or swelling from an injury to your piriformis muscle, which runs from your lower spine to the top of your thigh bone. And sometimes, it’s just because you have poor posture, sit too much, have obesity, or you tweaked your back, and — bam! It started.

Whatever the cause, you want solutions ASAP.

— See a doctor to identify the cause and discuss treatments, including physical therapy.

— See a chiropractor. Studies show that they can shorten the time you are contending with the condition.

— Try acupuncture. One study found that 10 sessions over four weeks reduced pain by 30%.

— Sleep smart. If you’re a side sleeper, put a plump pillow between your knees, and a thick pillow under your head. Back sleepers should use a wedge cushion under their legs with a pillow on top of the wedge, under their knees, and another wedge cushion under their back so they’re in a slightly raised position.

Also, adopt an anti-inflammatory diet and take inflammation-dampening supplements.

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