Simplifying your battle against Type 2 diabetes complications (Roizon article) 07105

Simplifying your battle against Type 2 diabetes complications

Many of you find that managing Type 2 diabetes is complicated — juggling medication, insulin, dietary plans and ways to manage your weight. And it can get even more complicated if you develop the well-known complications of Type 2 diabetes, such as eye, nerve, kidney and heart disease.

Unfortunately, new research indicates there are additional complications you want to protect yourself from. It seems that Type 2 diabetes is also a factor in the development of liver disease, dementia, cancer, sarcopenia, and frailty. And the research suggests these recently identified complications result from chronic inflammation and insulin resistance. Surprisingly, elevated blood glucose levels, while the initial cause of the process, play a lesser role in the progression of these complications.

The good news? If you have prediabetes or are recently diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, you can reverse the condition with ongoing, aggressive self-care and medical treatment — and dodge complications. And even if you were diagnosed a while ago, you can cool inflammation and tamp down insulin resistance.

— Adopt a diet loaded with fatty fish like salmon and high-fiber leafy greens, and spices like turmeric, garlic and ginger. The DASH and Mediterranean diets are good models. Control portion size and timing of meals too.

— Aim for 150-plus minutes of moderate-intense physical activity weekly.

— Manage stress (meditation, having a posse and a purpose) and follow a healthy sleep regimen.

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