Do chiropractic adjustments hurt?
How long does it take to receive a treatment?
I was told that cracking your knuckles
Is chiropractic treatment safe?
Is it true that once you have chiropractic treatment?
What does the DC after your name mean?
What is the Vertebral Subluxation?
What we treat
Neck pain
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
Shoulder injuries
Rib subluxation
Low back pain
ITB syndrome
Carpal tunnel
Do chiropractic adjustments hurt?
Chiropractic adjustment rarely causes discomfort. However, patients may sometimes experience mild soreness or aching following treatment (as with some forms of exercise) that usually resolves within 12 to 48 hours.
How long does it take to receive a treatment?
Most treatment sessions require between 15-30 minutes; depending upon the depth and scope of care necessary. The initial examination typically lasts 45-60 minutes, depending on the complexity of a patient’s condition, and whether a treatment is received immediately after the initial evaluation. Do be aware that if the patient receives a massage before the adjustment that day there will be 45 minutes allotted for that visit.
I was told that cracking your knuckles causes arthritis. Will chiropractic adjustments cause arthritis?
Contrary to what your mother may have told you, knuckle cracking actually does not cause joint arthritis. However, knuckle crackers tend to experience more joint stiffness later in life.
Regardless, spinal adjustments / manipulations are quite different than cracking one’s knuckles. When a spinal adjustment is performed, the joint is slightly gapped momentarily; opening the joint surfaces. Knuckle crackers actually grind the joint surfaces together, potentially irritating the joint. There is no current evidence to suggest that chiropractic manipulative therapy is detrimental to your spinal joints. Although, there is evidence that hypomobile/subluxated joints are those which primarily go through degenerative changes such as osteo-arthritis. Adjustments target these Subluxated joints and prevent arthritis from forming by increasing their range of motion (ROM). Increased ROM is the mechanism by which manipulation ensures optimal nutrient and biochemical exchange within the joint. This exchange prevents degenerative changes of the involved joint. Chiropractic has become a viable treatment option for those who suffer from a variety of arthritic conditions.
Is chiropractic treatment safe?
Chiropractic is widely recognized as one of the safest drug-free, non-invasive therapies available for the treatment of neuromusculoskeletal complaints. Although chiropractic has an excellent safety record, no health treatment is completely free of potential adverse effects.
The risks associated with chiropractic, however, are very small. Many patients feel immediate relief following chiropractic treatment, but some may experience mild soreness or aching, just as they do after some forms of exercise. Current literature shows that minor discomfort or soreness following spinal manipulation typically fades within 24 hours.
Neck pain and some types of headaches are treated through precise cervical manipulation. Cervical manipulation, often called a neck adjustment, works to improve joint mobility in the neck, restoring range of motion and reducing muscle spasm, which helps relieve pressure and tension.
Neck manipulation is a remarkably safe procedure. While some reports have associated upper high-velocity neck manipulation with a certain kind of stroke, or vertebral artery dissection, there is not yet a clear understanding of the connection. The occurrence appears to be very rare—1 in 5.85 million manipulations— based on the clinical reports and scientific studies to date. If you are visiting your doctor of chiropractic with upper-neck pain or headache, be very specific about your symptoms. This will help your doctor of chiropractic offer the safest and most effective treatment, even if it involves referral to another health care provider.
It is important for patients to understand the risks associated with some of the most common treatments for musculoskeletal pain — prescription and over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) — as these treatments may carry risks significantly greater than those of chiropractic manipulation. According to a study from the American Journal of Gastroenterology, approximately one-third of all hospitalizations and deaths related to gastrointestinal bleeding can be attributed to the use of aspirin or NSAID painkillers like ibuprofen.
Resource: American Chiropractic Association
Is it true that once you have chiropractic treatment, you must keep going back?
No. Actually, many people elect to continue their chiropractic treatment after feeling well. Why? Because periodic elective “maintenance care” makes them feel better. Chiropractic treatment is an integral component to many healthy people’s “health maintenance” plan; similar to diet, exercise and proper sleep. Also, there is an increase in endorphins after a chiropractic adjustment that gives a sense of stress reduction and well being. This effect is a factor that influences patients to continue maintenance type adjustments and enjoy their chiropractic experience.
What does the DC after your name mean?
The title “DC” stands for “Doctor of Chiropractic”. “Doctor” literally means “teacher”. Therefore, in keeping true to our title, we educate our patients about their condition, how to improve their health and how to stay as healthy as possible. Similarly, your MD [Medical Doctor] should do the same. Doctors of osteopathy are a DO and Podiatrists are given the letters DPM which stands for Doctors of Podiatric Medicine, Dentists become either a DDS (Doctor of Dental Surgery) or a DMD (Doctor of Dental Medicine).
Every kind of health care doctor has at least a four-year degree, including chiropractors. We each have identical educations for the first two years. In the third year each kind of doctor gets an education in their specific disipline.
What is the Vertebral Subluxation?
The vertebral subluxation is the term applied to a vertebra which has lost its normal position and/or motion in relation to neighboring vertebrae. Vertebrae which do not function properly within the spine can generate mechanical stress. This accelerates the wear and tear on the surrounding spinal muscles, ligaments, discs, joint and other spinal tissues. Pain, tenderness, inflammation, decreased spinal mobility, and muscle spasm, and hypertonicity (developing extreme muscular tension) will eventually follow. Additionally, because of the direct mechanical and physiological relationship between the spinal column and the spinal nerve roots, vertebral subluxations as well as other spinal abnormalities have the potential to impair proper nerve functioning. Once nerve functioning is compromised, communication within the body becomes less effective jeopardizing the overall health and wellness of the individual.
Tips for Back Pain Prevention:
- Maintain a healthy diet and weight. Supplementation with Omega 3-Fatty Acids, MSM, and Glucosamine Chodroitin are good ways to keep all your joints with the necessary nutritional building blocks to protect them from injury.
- Remain active—under the supervision of your doctor of chiropractic.
- Avoid prolonged inactivity or bed rest. Again, stay active.
- Warm up or stretch before exercising or other physical activities, such as gardening. A flexibility protocol should be practice such as yoga, GYROTONIC Method or Pilates in order to avoid injury to spinal tissues. It is well known that the more flexible you are the less likely you are to injure yourself.
- Maintain proper posture.
- Wear comfortable, low-heeled shoes.
- Sleep on a mattress of medium firmness to minimize any curve in your spine. The Sleep Number bed from Select Comfort has clinical studies showing improvement with pain for those who suffer from back complaints. The doctor recommends the Sleep Number bed for those who are in the market for a mattress for its customizing firmness.
- Lift with your knees, keep the object close to your body, and do not twist when lifting. This is the mechanism how individuals hurt the disc’s in the spine.
- Quit smoking. Smoking impairs blood flow, resulting in nutrient and oxygen deprivation (hypoxia) to spinal tissues. Decreasing the body’s natural healing ability.
- Work with your doctor of chiropractic to ensure that your workstation is ergonomically correct.
What we treat:
Neck pain

Most neck pain is from overuse, most commonly with the structures of the cervical spine. Often it comes from straining your neck while you carry heavy things. While once is bad, most of our patient do this repeatedly creating a strain that only rest and chiropractic care can remedy. Only in rare instances is neck pain a sign of a systemic illness. Although the pain may be severe, the good news is that most individuals with neck pain improve within 1-2 weeks, and the vast majority are over their episodes in 8-12 weeks.
Fast facts
- Neck pain affects 10% of the population each year.
- Whiplash from motor vehicle accidents is a common cause of neck pain.
- The diagnosis of neck pain is determined by a medical history and physical examination.
What is neck pain?
Acute strain may occur after sleeping in an awkward position but usually this follows an activity where the neck was strained or overused.
Neck pain is just that – pain in the neck. Pain can be localized to the cervical spine or may radiate down an arm (radiculopathy). All age groups are at risk of developing neck pain. People who sit in one location staring at computer screens for long periods of time may be at an increased risk. About 10% of the population has an episode of neck pain each year. Neck pain may occur slightly more frequently in women than men.
What causes neck pain?
Most episodes of neck pain are caused by the wearing out of the
structures (mechanical) of the neck, which is associated with aging, or with overuse of the neck or arms. About 10% of instances of neck pain are associated with systemic illnesses, such as polymyalgia rheumatica.
The common mechanical disorders that cause neck pain are the following:
- Muscle strains usually related to prolonged physical activity such as sitting at computer terminals for extended periods of time. Acute strain also may occur after sleeping in an awkward position.
- Osteoarthritis resulting from the narrowing of the intervertebral discs (pieces of cartilage between the bones [vertebra]) of the spine. The neighboring vertebrae grow spurs in response to the increasing pressure placed on them. The bony growths can cause localized pain in the neck or arm related to nerve compression.
- Herniated intervertebral discs cause arm pain more frequently than neck pain. The pinching of a nerve in the neck causes severe arm pain (brachialgia). Disc herniations may cause a loss of function of the nerve that may include a loss of reflex, feeling, or muscle strength.
- Spinal stenosis is narrowing of the spinal canal that causes compression of the spinal cord (cervical myelopathy). The narrowing is caused by disc bulging, bony spurs, and thickening of spinal ligaments. The squeezing of the spinal cord may not cause neck pain in all cases but is associated with leg numbness, weakness, and loss of bladder or rectum control.
- Whiplash is a suddenly fast forward and backward injury to the soft tissues of the neck, most commonly caused by rear-impact car accidents. The pain and stiffness associated with these accidents generally develop 24-48 hours after the injury.
When a patient comes to our office with neck pain, usually the low back and shoulder muscles are also involved. Simply, problems in one area often cause or lead to problems in other areas of the body.
How is neck pain diagnosed?
In most circumstances, a medical history and physical examination are the essential parts of an evaluation required for diagnosis of neck disorders. In some instances, individuals who do not respond to starting therapy may undergo specialized radiographic tests, such as plain X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computerized tomography to screen for additional problems of soft tissues, herniated discs, spinal stenosis, tumors, or nerve injuries.
How is neck pain treated?
Maintaining motion is an important part of therapy for neck pain. The use of neck braces should be kept to a minimum. Motion, as always, as soon as possible is the best solution.
While regular exercise should be discontinued until the neck pain is improved, movement of the neck is encouraged. Gradual movement in all directions of motion of the neck stretches muscles that may be excessively tight. This exercise may be particularly helpful while under a stream of warm water during a shower.
Five- to 10-minute ice massages applied to a painful area within the first 48 hours of the start of pain can help relieve pain as can heat, which relaxes the muscles. Heat should be applied for pains of durations greater than 48 hours. Over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including aspirin, frequently are enough to control episodes of neck pain, and muscle relaxants may help those with limited motion secondary to muscle tightness.
Individuals with increased stress may have contracted neck muscles. Massage therapy has proven helpful for those with chronic muscular neck pain.
Living with neck pain
The best way of living with neck pain is trying to prevent it. Do not sit at the computer for hours without getting up frequently to stretch the neck and back. Take the stress of the day out of your neck muscles and do your exercise routine. If you smoke, stop. Smoking is a predisposing factor for neck pain. If you are overweight, get into shape. The bottom line is, pay attention to your body and exercise, eat right, and maintain a healthy life style.
Points to remember
- Neck pain is a common problem and is rarely associated with a systemic illness.
- The vast majority of individuals improve by taking over-the-counter drugs and remaining active.
- Most individuals are better in 1-2 weeks; more than 90% have no more pain after eight weeks.

There is no other way to describe Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome except to say that it is like carpal tunnel syndrome of the wrist, except it is an overuse syndrome of the ankle. The tarsals are the short bones which form the bridge between the forefoot (metatarsals) and the ankle. Just below the bony bit on the inside of the ankle (medial malleolus) is a passage called the tarsal tunnel through which the Posterior Tibial Nerve passes.
Common Symptoms
- Pain (often described as burning) radiating into the arch of the foot, heel and sometimes the toes.
- Pins and needles or numbness may be felt in the sole of the foot.
- Pain when running.
- Pain when standing for long periods of time.
- Pain is relieved by rest.
- Pain is often worst at night.
- Tapping the nerve (just behind the medial malleolus) may reproduce pain. This is known as Tinel’s Test.
- The area under the medial malleolus may be tender to touch.
The symptoms of tarsal tunnel syndrome may initially be mistaken for plantar fasciitis (a sense of burning and pain on the bottom of your foot caused by excessive motion coupled with moisture) which also causes pain from the medial heel and throughout the arch of the foot. Neural symptoms (such as tingling or numbness) as well as the location of tenderness when touching the area should help to easily distinguish between the conditions.
Tarsel Tunnel Syndrome Explained
Tarsal tunnel syndrome is an entrapment/compression neuropathy of the posterior tibial nerve. If you overpronate (your foot rolls in when you walk or run as shown) then pressure is put on these nerves which can become inflamed causing tarsal tunnel syndrome. Because the condition is often due to overpronation, it is common for bilateral tarsal tunnel syndrome to occur (i.e. in both feet!)
Shoulder injuries

Most shoulder injuries are minor. These include sore muscles and aches and pains, which are common. Shoulder problems develop from everyday wear and tear, overuse, or an injury. They can also be caused by the natural process of aging.
The shoulder is a ball-and-socket joint with three main bones: the upper arm bone (humerus), collarbone (clavicle), and shoulder blade (scapula). These bones are held together by muscles, tendons, and ligaments. The shoulder joint has the greatest range of motion of any joint in the body. Because of this mobility, the shoulder is more likely to be injured or cause problems. The acromioclavicular (AC) joint, which lies over the top of the shoulder, is also easily injured.
Shoulder problems can be minor or serious. Symptoms may include pain, swelling,numbness, tingling, weakness, changes in temperature or color, or changes in your range of motion. Shoulder injuries most commonly occur during sports activities, work-related tasks, projects around the home, or falls. Home treatment often can help relieve minor aches and pains.
Sudden (acute) injury
Injuries are the most common cause of shoulder pain.
A sudden (acute) injury may occur from a fall on an outstretched hand (a “FOOSH” injury) , a direct blow to the shoulder, or abnormal twisting or bending of the shoulder. Pain may be sudden and severe. Bruising and swelling may develop soon after the injury. If nerves or blood vessels have been injured or squeezed during the injury. In addition, the shoulder, arm, or hand may feel numb, tingly, weak, or cold, or it may look pale or blue. Acute injuries include:
- Bruises (contusions ), which occur when small blood vessels under the skintear or rupture, often from a twist, bump, or fall. Blood leaks into tissues under the skin and causes a black-and-blue color that often turns purple, red, yellow, and green as the bruise heals.
- Injuries to the tough, ropy fibers (ligaments) that connect bone to bone and help stabilize the shoulder joints (sprains).
- Injuries to the tough, ropy fibers that connect muscle to bone (tendons).
- Pulled muscles (strains).
- Injuries to nerves, such as brachial plexus neuropathy.
- Separation of the shoulder, which occurs when the outer end of the collarbone (clavicle) separates from the end (acromion) of the shoulder blade because of torn ligaments. This injury occurs most often from a blow to a shoulder or a fall onto a shoulder or outstretched hand or arm.
- Damage to one or more of the four tendons that cover the shoulder joint (torn rotator cuff), which may occur from a direct blow to or overstretching of the tendon.
- Broken bones (fractures). A break may occur when a bone is twisted, struck directly, or used to brace against a fall.
- Pulling or pushing bones out of their normal relationship to the other bones that make up the shoulder joint (subluxation or dislocation).
Overuse injuries
You may not recall having a specific injury, especially if symptoms began gradually or during everyday activities. Overuse injuries occur when too much stress is placed on a joint or other tissue, often by overdoing an activity or through repetition of an activity. Overuse injuries include:
- Inflammation of the sac of fluid that cushions and lubricates the joint area between one bone and another bone, a tendon, or the skin (bursitis).
- Inflammation of the tough, ropy fibers that connect muscles to bones (tendinitis).Bicipital tendinitis is an inflammation of one of the tendons that attach the muscle (biceps) on the front of the upper arm bone (humerus) to the shoulder joint. The inflammation usually occurs along the groove (bicipital groove) where the tendon passes over the humerus to attach just above the shoulder joint.
- Muscle strain.
- A frozen shoulder, which is a condition that limits shoulder movement and may follow an injury.
- Overhead arm movements, which may cause tendons to rub or scrape against a part of the shoulder blade called the acromion. This rubbing or scraping may lead to abrasion or inflammation of the rotator cuff tendons (also called impingement syndrome).
Rib subluxation
We have all felt it – that morning after a big physical exertion, whether it was helping someone move or participating in a big athletic event and you just can’t breathe without a pain in your ribs. Drawing breath causes an ache so painful in your ribs you feel like you are being stabbed. This is a rib subluxation.
There are 12 pairs of ribs in the human skeleton that protect the lungs, heart and abdominal organs from damage. All the ribs have an attachment in the back into the spine. The first 10 pairs of ribs also attach in the front into the breast bone (sternum) with the last 2 pairs of ribs being floating ribs due to them having no attachment in the front.
A common injury to the ribs is subluxation – movement of the rib out of the normal position. This can occur where the ribs connect to the spine or where the ribs connect to the sternum. Rib subluxations can occur with coughing, sneezing, lifting throwing and most other athletic endeavors.
There is usually sharp pain at the time of injury. If some compression of the nerves has occurred due to the changed position of the ribs then there may be neurological symptoms such as tingling, numbness and pain that may mimic a herniated disc. There will also be muscle spasm in the surrounding muscles of the rib involved.
At Chiropractic Lane we will be able to diagnose and treat this condition. In most cases subluxed ribs can be easily put back into place. Treatment by your chiropractor will also aim to reduce pain and muscle spasm. This may involve the use of electrotherapeutic modalities, soft tissue therapy, mobilizations, and strengthening and stretching exercises. Breathing exercises may also be prescribed.
Low back pain

Most people will experience low back pain at some point in their lives. This pain can vary from mild to severe. The episode may be brief or it may become long-lasting, effecting their lives and how they are able to do many of the activities of their daily lives.
Low back pain is one of the most common reasons that people seek out chiropractic care.
Understanding your spine and how it works can help you understand why you have low back pain.
The spine is made up of vertebrae arranged in a S-shaped curve. To hold these in place, you have Muscles, ligaments, nerves, and intervertebral disks that are between the disks and act as shock absorbers.
These bones connect to create a canal that protects the spinal cord. The spinal column is made up of three sections that create three natural curves in your back: the curves of the neck area (cervical), chest area (thoracic), and lower back (lumbar). The lower section of your spine (sacrum and coccyx) is made up of vertebrae that are fused together.
Five lumbar vertebrae connect the upper spine to the pelvis.
- Spinal Cord and Nerves
- These “electrical cables” travel through the spinal canal carrying messages between your brain and muscles. Nerves branch out from the spinal cord through openings in the vertebrae.
- Muscles and Ligaments
- These provide support and stability for your spine and upper body. Strong ligaments connect your vertebrae and help keep the spinal column in position.
- Facet Joints
- Between vertebrae are small joints that help your spine move.
- Intervertebral Disks
- Intervertebral disks sit in between the vertebrae.
When you move in every way, the disks act as shock absorbers and prevent the vertebrae from bumping against one another. They work with your facet joints to help your spine move, twist, and bend.
The Cause of low back pain
Back pain is different from one person to the next. The pain can have a slow onset or come on suddenly. The pain may be intermittent or constant. In most cases, back pain resolves on its own within a few weeks.
Lumbar ligament tear
There are many causes of low back pain. It sometimes occurs after a specific movement such as lifting or bending. Just getting older also plays a role in many back conditions.
As we age, our spines age with us. Aging causes degenerative changes in the spine. These changes can start in our 30s — or even younger — and can make us prone to back pain, especially if we overdo our activities.
These aging changes, however, do not keep most people from leading productive, and generally, pain-free lives. We have all seen the 70-year-old marathon runner who, without a doubt, has degenerative changes in her back!
One of the more common causes of low back pain is muscle soreness from overuse. Muscles and ligament fibers can be overstretched or injured.
This is often brought about by that first attempt to return to sports in the Spring, or too much yard work or snow shoveling in one day. We are all familiar with this “stiffness” and soreness in the low back — and other areas of the body — that usually goes away within a few days.
Disk Injury
Some people develop low back pain that does not go away within days. This may mean there is an injury to a disk.
Disk tear. Small tears to the outer part of the disk (annulus) sometimes occur with aging. Some people with disk tears have no pain at all. Others can have pain that lasts for weeks, months, or even longer. A small number of people may develop constant pain that lasts for years and is quite disabling. Why some people have pain and others do not is not well understood.
Disk herniation. Another common type of disk injury is a “slipped” or herniated disc.
Herniated disk
A disk herniates when its jelly-like center (nucleus) pushes against its outer ring (annulus). If the disk is very worn or injured, the nucleus may squeeze all the way through. When the herniated disk bulges out toward the spinal canal, it puts pressure on the sensitive spinal nerves, causing pain.
Because a herniated disk in the low back often puts pressure on the nerve root leading to the leg and foot, pain often occurs in the buttock and down the leg. This is sciatica.
A herniated disk often occurs with lifting, pulling, bending, or twisting movements.
Disk Degeneration
With age, intevertebral disks begin to wear away and shrink. In some cases, they may collapse completely and cause the facet joints in the vertebrae to rub against one another. Pain and stiffness result.
This “wear and tear” on the facet joints is referred to as osteoarthritis. It can lead to further back problems, including spinal stenosis.
Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
(Spon-dee-low-lis-THEE-sis). Changes from aging and general wear and tear make it hard for your joints and ligaments to keep your spine in the proper position. The vertebrae move more than they should, and one vertebra can slide forward on top of another. If too much slippage occurs, the bones may begin to press on the spinal nerves.
Spinal Stenosis
Spinal stenosis occurs when the space around the spinal cord narrows and puts pressure on the cord and spinal nerves.
When intervertebral disks collapse and osteoarthritis develops, your body may respond by growing new bone in your facet joints to help support the vertebrae. Over time, this bone overgrowth – called spurs – can lead to a narrowing of the spinal canal. Osteoarthritis can also cause the ligaments that connect vertebrae to thicken, which can narrow the spinal canal.
This is an abnormal curve of the spine that may develop in children, most often during their teenage years. It also may develop in older patients who have arthritis. This spinal deformity may cause back pain and possibly leg symptoms, if pressure on the nerves is involved.
Additional Causes
There are other causes of back pain, some of which can be serious. If you have vascular or arterial disease, a history of cancer, or pain that is always there despite your activity level or position, you should consult your primary care doctor.
Back pain varies. It may be sharp or stabbing. It can be dull, achy, or feel like a “charley horse” type cramp. The type of pain you have will depend on the underlying cause of your back pain.
Most people find that reclining or lying down will improve low back pain, no matter the underlying cause.
People with low back pain may experience some of the following:
- Back pain may be worse with bending and lifting.
- Sitting may worsen pain.
- Standing and walking may worsen pain
- Back pain comes and goes, and often follows an up and down course with good days and bad days.
- Pain may extend from the back into the buttock or outer hip area, but not down the leg.
- Sciatica is common with a herniated disk. This includes buttock and leg pain, and even numbness, tingling or weakness that goes down to the foot. It is possible to have sciatica without back pain.
Regardless of your age or symptoms, if your back pain does not get better within a few weeks, or is associated with fever, chills, or unexpected weight loss, you should call your doctor.
It may not be possible to prevent low back pain. We cannot avoid the normal wear and tear on our spines that goes along with aging. But there are things we can do to lessen the impact of low back problems. Having a healthy lifestyle is a good start.
Combine aerobic exercise, like walking or swimming, with specific exercises to keep the muscles in your back and abdomen strong and flexible.
At Chiropractic Lane we combine yoga and physical therapy with the chiropractic adjustment (called “chiropractic manipulative therapy” or CMT). It is our universal belief that returning the body and spine to motion as quickly as possible is the cornerstone of returning the patient to good health.
Proper Lifting
Be sure to lift heavy items with your legs, not your back. Do not bend over to pick something up. Keep your back straight and bend at your knees.
Maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight puts added stress on your lower back.
Avoid Smoking
Both the smoke and the nicotine cause your spine to age faster than normal.
Proper Posture
Good posture is important for avoiding future problems. A therapist can teach you how to safely stand, sit, and lift.
ITB syndrome

Iliotibial band syndrome is the name given to a repetitive stress disorder that is felt as pain or aching on the outer side of the knee, usually after running or biking. Iliotibial band syndrome is an injury that has become more common as people try new sports or increase their endurance in sports they already participate in.
Related to the symptoms of the iliotibial band syndrome is pain at the hip called greater trochanteric bursitis.
Symptoms and Causes:
During flexion and extension of the knee the iliotibial rubs over the femoral condyle creating irritation. There is a compression in this region that most often affects the fat tissue overlying the femoral epicondyle.
Cyclists may develop iliotibial band syndrome from overuse. Often changing the position of the cleats by rotating the heels inward can help.
The function of the muscles inserting into the ITB (Tensor Fascia Lata) is to abduct the leg. If the hip abductors are weak, then the ITB is being overworked. The ITB does not have an insertion that offers a favorable mechanical advantage.
Possible Causes:
- Hip abductor muscle weakness and imbalance.
- Sudden increase in mileage.
- Increase in track or interval training.
- Crowned running surface.
- Tight iliotibial band.
The iliotibial band is a thickening of the lateral (outer) soft tissue that envelopes the leg. It starts near the anterior superior ilac spine and inserts into Gerdy’s tubercle on the tibia. The thickened tissue is known as fascia and in this area it is called the fascia lata. The thickened band is called the ilio-tibial band (ITB). The muscles that insert into the proximal (upper) portion of this band are the tensor fascia lata and a portion of the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius muscles. During its latter course it splits medially into the ilio-patellar band and laterally into the iliotibial tract. At its insertion into the tibia at Gerdy’s tubercle it blends with the Biceps femoris and the Vastus lateralis.
At Chiropractic Lane we understand that treatment is a combination of treating the affected muscles, restoring proper movement patterns, and returning the patient to motion as fast as possible.
Carpal tunnel

(liberally borrowed from the website
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is one of the best known of the repetitive stress disorders of the body. Basically, if you repeat a specific motion, like typing or playing on computer consoles, you will cause wear at the joint.
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a condition brought on by increased pressure on the median nerve at the wrist. In effect, it is a pinched nerve at the wrist. Symptoms may include numbness, tingling, and pain in the arm, hand, and fingers. There is a space in the wrist called the carpal tunnel where the median nerve and nine tendons pass from the forearm into the hand. All the motion causes swelling along the path of the median nerve. While there is plenty of space to move into when the median nerve moves through the arm, when it reaches the bones of the wrist (the carpals) the bones limit how far the swelling can go. Carpal tunnel syndrome happens when pressure builds up from swelling in this tunnel and puts pressure on the nerve. When the pressure from the swelling becomes great enough to disturb the way the nerve works, numbness, tingling, and pain may be felt in the hand and fingers
What causes carpal tunnel syndrome
Usually the cause is unknown. Pressure on the nerve can happen several ways: swelling of the lining of the flexor tendons, called tenosynovitis; joint dislocations, fractures, and arthritis can narrow the tunnel; and keeping the wrist bent for long periods of time. Fluid retention during pregnancy can cause swelling in the tunnel and symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, which often go away after delivery. Thyroid conditions, rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetes also can be associated with carpal tunnel syndrome. There may be a combination of causes.
Signs and symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms usually include pain, numbness, tingling, or a combination of the three. The numbness or tingling most often takes place in the thumb, index, middle, and ring fingers. The symptoms usually are felt during the night but also may be noticed during daily activities such as driving or reading a newspaper. Patients may sometimes notice a weaker grip, occasional clumsiness, and a tendency to drop things. In severe cases, sensation may be permanently lost and the muscles at the base of the thumb slowly shrink (thenar atrophy), causing difficulty with pinch.
Diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome
A detailed history including medical conditions, how the hands have been used, and whether there were any prior injuries is important. An x-ray may be taken to check for the other causes of the complaints such as arthritis or a fracture. In some cases, laboratory tests may be done if there is a suspected medical condition that is associated with CTS. Electrodiagnostic studies (NCV–nerve conduction velocities and EMG–electromyogram) may be done to confirm the diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome as well as to check for other possible nerve problems.