Posts By: chirolane

Vitamin D Deficiency Reduces Lung Volume 07105 Vitamin D Deficiency Reduces Lung Volume Lack of vitamin D is associated with a long list of ailments including skeletal conditions, several types of cancers, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, upper respiratory tract infections and even all-cause mortality. This study found that “vitamin D deficiency causes deficits in lung function that are primarily… Read more »

Bake/Broiled Fish Not Fried for Older Women 07105 Bake/Broiled Fish Not Fried for Older Women Eating broiled or baked fish five times a week was found to reduce the risk of heart failure in older (50+) women by as much as 30%. Likewise, eating fried fish just once a week increased the risk of heart failure by almost 50%…. Read more »

Early Pet Exposure = Reduced Pollen Sensitivity 07105 Early Pet Exposure = Reduced Pollen Sensitivity As research into asthma and allergies continues, a newly released study looked at the effect of having pets currently or early in life. Researchers found that owning a pet in the first two years of life “seemed to offer some protection against sensitization to… Read more »

Olive Oil Protects Against Stroke 07105 Olive Oil Protects Against Stroke Researchers have found that consumption of olive oil can reduce the risk of stroke. When comparing those who consumed the most olive oil with those who never used it, olive oil eaters reduced their risk of stroke between 41% and 73%. These findings are in keeping… Read more »

Chiropractic and Pillows 07105 Chiropractic and Pillows You sleep eight hours a night and wake up with a sore neck, feeling like your get-up-and-go, got up and went! Did you ever think that your pillow might have something to do with it? While a good night’s sleep starts with a quiet dark room and a… Read more »

Break Free of Fear 07105 Break Free of Fear Fear and anxiety can make you feel paralyzed. All of us at times are consumed by worry? If it keeps you awake at night, interferes with concentration, leads to anxiety, and occupies more than 5% of your waking hours, you have a problem.  It might help to… Read more »

Silence Those Sinuses! 07105 Silence Those Sinuses! You know the feeling, your head is congested and your face hurts. You press on your cheeks and there’s pain, the pain that can only come from an inflammation in your sinuses. And then…there’s the headache that usually accompanies the sinus congestion. Let’s face it, you feel downright… Read more »

Smokers’ Skin Ages Faster 07105 Smokers’ Skin Ages FasterSmokers are likely to get bags under their eyes and wrinkles around their lips earlier than non-smokers, according to a new study of identical twins.Judges who didn’t know which twin smoked said the smoker looked older 57 percent of the time. That pattern held when both twins were… Read more »

Slow metabolism ‘obesity excuse’ is true (but RARE) 07105 Slow metabolism ‘obesity excuse’ is true (but RARE).I have mocked “obesity excuse” of being born with a slow metabolism and even wrote a blog entry about it.  Now I have learned that it is actually true for some people.A team at the University of Cambridge has found the first proof that… Read more »

Prunes are better for Constipation 07105 Prunes are better for Constipation Prunes have always been thought of as a natural laxative. A recent study confirms that belief by reporting “the superior effects of dried plums (prunes) over the stool-bulking fiber supplement psyllium in the treatment of mild to moderate symptoms of constipation.” How many prunes, you may… Read more »