Brain Power and Brawn Power 07105

Brain Power and Brawn Power

 It is now known clearly that athletics and brain power are a winning combination for him. And now, thanks to researchers from Harvard, we know why.

It turns out that a protein called irisin is released from your muscles when you exercise — and it may be the reason why exercise plays an important role in burning fat, strengthening bones and protecting against neurodegenerative diseases.

In their most recent investigation of irisin, the Harvard researchers discovered (in mice) that the protein’s tiny molecules can pass through the blood-brain barrier. Once in the brain, they help protect and even regrow nerve connections, which may be why exercise keeps your memory sharp. The research also found that, independent of exercise, irisin is present in nimble brains but in short supply in those with Alzheimer’s.

To avoid cognition problems, try this five-part plan: manage stress, exercise regularly, eat noninflammatory foods (skip added sugars, red/processed meat, and egg yolks), respect sleep and play speed-of-processing games. You’ll win a scholarship in good health and sharp thinking.

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