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25% of Autism Cases May be Due to Maternal Antibodies 07105 Maternal Antibodies May Trigger up to 25% of Autism CasesMaternal antibodies that interfere with fetal brain proteins during pregnancy may be responsible for roughly one quarter of cases of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), a new study suggests.Lead researcher Judy Van de Water, PhD, and colleagues have coined the term “maternal autoantibody–related,” or MAR,… Read more »

Healthy Olive Oil? Things to Know about Olive Oil 07105 Healthy Olive Oil? Things to Know about Olive Oil Most of us are familiar with the potential benefits of using olive oil in the diet. Fresh olive oil, a natural source of beneficial polyphenols, appears to reduce risk of heart disease, metabolic syndrome, cancer, high blood pressure, blood clots and more. So what’s… Read more »

Smoking/Drinking Combo Accelerates Cognitive Decline 07105 Smoking/Drinking Combo Accelerates Cognitive Decline The combination of smoking and heavy drinking accelerates cognitive decline more than either habit alone, new research shows. A large, longitudinal study conducted by investigators from University College London in the United Kingdom showed that individuals who smoked and were also heavy drinkers had a 36% faster rate… Read more »

Meat consumption and mortality 07105 The Study:  Meat consumption and mortality – results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition The Facts: The study looked at the association between consumption of processed vs. unprocessed red meats, poultry, and the risk of early death. This was a very large study which followed 448,568 men and women, ages 35-69… Read more »

Health: Get Green 07105 Health: Get GreenYou read that title and you thought Dr. Lane was going to write a lecture about food.No, that is not the green I mean.  I want you to get outside!!Go to a park and be around trees and the green of nature.  Go to the beach and be around water.Get away… Read more »

Obesity = Sugary Drinks Link in Preschoolers = Sugary Drinks Link in Preschoolers Five-year-olds who drink sugar-sweetened sodas, sports drinks or juices every day are more likely to be obese than those who have sugar-sweetened beverages less often, according to a new study.Although the link between sugary drinks and extra weight has been well documented among teens and adults, researchers… Read more »

4 Signs Your Heart Is Quietly Failing Signs Your Heart Is Quietly FailingDoes this sound like a familiar story?  Someone you know – he was only 48 years old, quite fit for his age.  He didn’t smoke, he didn’t have diabetes, and heart disease didn’t run in his family.But by the time he was lying on an emergency room gurney writhing in pain, he understood full… Read more »

Want a Hairy Situation? Foods that can help with hair loss! Foods to Put Hair on Your HeadCan what you eat stop male pattern baldness? Experts aren’t exactly certain, but some research seems to indicate that a better diet could help.For some men, the cure for baldness is like the search for the fountain of youth. There’s no perfect solution to the gradual hair… Read more »

The one eating habit that may help you lose weight 07105www.chiropractic-lane.comThe one eating habit that may help you lose weight It might sound like a dream come true: Eat a big breakfast, followed by a large lunch, and still lose weight. But it could be a reality — if you skip dinner, research shows.A new study presented this week to the American Diabetes Association… Read more »

5 weight loss myths 07105www.chiropractic-lane.com5 weight loss myths Cutting calories by adjusting what you eat is the most effective way to lose weight. Lean protein may fill you up, but fiber does the same for fewer calories Overweight people can be as metabolically fit as their slimmer counterparts It will take you approximately 30 minutes to walk off… Read more »