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Be Selfish: It’s Good For Your Health!

I sit here thinking about many things that impact on health and well-being.  Health is an individual goal that each of us is required to travel alone.  The people you bring along to help you are only there is assist; they cannot live your health for you.  This means any doctor you choose to see… Read more »

Be Healthy: It is Time to Parent Yourself

I sit here thinking about many things that impact on health and well-being.  Health is an individual goal that each of us is required to travel alone.  The people you bring along to help you are only there is assist; they cannot live your health for you.  This means any doctor you choose to see… Read more »

The social role of health

I sit here thinking about many things that impact on health and well-being.  Health is an individual goal that each of us is required to travel alone.  The people you bring along to help you are only there is assist; they cannot live your health for you.  This means any doctor you choose to see… Read more »

The Pros & Cons of Barefoot Running

Chiropractors weigh in on whether there are benefits to barefoot running With the subculture of barefoot runners and the products catering to them growing daily, just about every chiropractor has been asked at one point or another about their opinion regarding barefoot running. Most of the hype put forward by barefoot-running advocates is anecdotal and… Read more »

Combination therapy: Calcium and Vitamin D Boost Hormone Replacement Therapy’s Effect on Hip Fracture Risk

Calcium and Vitamin D Boost HRT Effect on Hip Fracture Risk According to new data from the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI), postmenopausal women who took hormone replacement therapy (HRT) had a lower risk for hip fracture than women who received placebo, and they had an even lower risk if they also took calcium and vitamin… Read more »

Red meat tied to worse colon cancer outcomes: study meat tied to worse colon cancer outcomes: study I am reprinting this information from Reuters that I learned today because it is important to get the word out as soon as possible. (Reuters Health) – People who report eating the most red and processed meat before being diagnosed with colon cancer are more likely… Read more »

OMEGA-3 is the answer to so much! is the answer to so much! We read about the benefits of omega-3s almost daily.  Then we read that it may not be the end-all and be-all it is claimed to be. So what?  What it all comes down to is that omega-3s and the sources for omega-3 will give you benefits of some… Read more »

Costly diagnostic MRIs unnecessary for many back pain patients

Costly diagnostic MRIs unnecessary for many back pain patients Johns Hopkins–led research suggests that routine MRI imaging does nothing to improve the treatment of patients who need injections of steroids into their spinal columns to relieve pain. Moreover, MRI plays only a small role in a doctor’s decision to give these epidural steroid injections, or… Read more »

Obesity: Why Exercise Doesn’t Work

Obesity: Why Exercise Doesn’t Work Do you believe that it is only exercise that will lead to weight loss?  Every day you hear about someone losing a tremendous amount of weight by “nothing but exercise” and you are interested, but are you hearing it all? Surprisingly scientific research shows little evidence of exercise being effective… Read more »