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Dr. Lane is in the NRCME registry, Certified Medical Examiner #9221125725
Medical Rule Changes Scheduled For May 2014
According to the FMCSA, they will need at least 40,000 medical examiners nationwide in order to be able to test the approximately 4 million drivers that will have to get government-approved physicals.
The agency claims that the registry is pretty well on its way,” but of the 40,000 examiners that they need by May of 2014, they only have 1,573 who have taken and passed the medical examiner exam. There is currently only one testing organization that is able to certify examiners, but there are two more that should be set up by September, which should increase the rate at which examiners get certified.
Once the new medical card rules go into effect, drivers will have to get their medical exam from the FMCSA-approved examiners, but if your card expires after the changes are made, you don’t have to get a new one until your current card expires.
via Blogger http://chiropractic-lane.blogspot.com/2013/08/cdl-physicals-medical-rule-changes.html