Coffee, Tea and Me Fight Diabetes! 07105

Coffee, Tea and Me Fight Diabetes!

A cup of java or green tea may help fight off diabetes complications.

A new study, published in BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care, followed nearly 5,000 adults with Type 2 diabetes for a median duration of 5.3 years. Folks who drank one cup of coffee a day lowered their risk of death over the course of the study 12%; drinking two or more cups lowered it 41%. Green tea was also powerful: Two to three cups daily lowered it by 27% and four or more cups, by 40%.

People who drank both beverages wow! They lowered their risk of death during the study by 51% with two to three cups of green tea plus two or more of coffee a day.

The researchers think it’s the beverages’ anti-inflammatory powers from several potent polyphenols that are key. Type 2 diabetes causes widespread inflammation, putting a person at risk for potentially fatal cardiovascular and kidney disease, dementia and more. Tea and coffee may tamp down inflammation and help prevent resulting disorders. So, if you have Type 2 diabetes, enjoy some daily coffee and/or green tea. But steer clear of syrupy flavorings, sugar and high-fat dairy. Drink ’em straight or with sugar-free, nut, oat or soy milk.

via Blogger