Diabetes/Weight Loss Med Linked to Repeat Spinal Surgery Risk

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Diabetes/Weight Loss Med Linked to Repeat Spinal Surgery Risk

The diabetes/weight loss drug semaglutide is associated with a significantly greater risk for repeat operations in patients with diabetes who require lumbar surgery, a new study suggests.

The risk for additional surgeries was even higher among patients taking the popular weight loss and diabetes drug for longer periods of time.

Investigators say the study provides the first evidence on the impact of semaglutide on spine surgery. 

“The expectation was [that] we would see patients doing better after surgery, less wound complications, and other things, and in our diabetic patients we did not see that and saw increased odds of needing additional surgeries,” investigator Syed I. Khalid, MD, neurosurgery resident at University of Illinois Chicago, told Medscape Medical News.

The findings were presented on May 3 at the American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) 2024 Annual Meeting.

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