Dr. Lane’s Thoughts LXXVX

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Dr. Lane’s Thoughts LXXVX

1) The Dump Administration (Co-Presidents Dump and Elon Musk) don’t care about Greenland or Hegeth or Proud Boys, abortion, or egg prices, Mexico, Canada, FEMA or states’ rights; they care about being restored as White men in the most important positions in the US. 

Have you ever attended a magic show?  The magician uses distraction to create illusion.  Dump wants us to look at these distractions in order to rob this country blind and to assert his particular agenda but, mostly, to enrich himself

In this administration of (mostly) white men their sorrow is that their previous dignity has been eroded by everyone who isn’t White and male. Their followers are people who see everything through the prism of Whites, Men, and their (former) glory as both of these things.

These qualifications make the person who follows these beliefs prone to hearing messages that correspond to their prior or new beliefs of lost or necessary White leadership.  Their preferred sources of news become OAN and Fox News or the podcasts of of Joe Rogan and that ilk.  Objectivity is the enemy and their group of friends becomes that small group of people who support their beliefs exclusively.  Those who do not agree with them become the larger outsider group and the insularity becomes both a support and a soundboard.

2) As of early 2024, there are 92,625 certified medical examiners listed on the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners. Of these, 76,898 actively access their accounts, and 38,707 perform physical qualification examinations and report results for commercial drivers. I will repeat this topic again later in this blog to inform why these numbers are important to me in my work as a CDL examiner, personally.

3)  We ‘fired’ an employee, I guess.  Ms. OH filed for unemployment on December 22, 2024 and then came to the office the next day (December 23) to inquire about being put back on the schedule after an illness. She had presented a note to me by text message on December 16 that stated that she would be on sick leave until December 19 [this is very odd – a medical excuse states that you WERE ill on certain dates and this is the reason; they are not written in advance of the recovery date.  She clearly bullied her medical professional to write the note she wanted and dismissed his role to nothing more than a note-writer].

She had been an excellent employee for the first year and then slowly disintegrated for the next three months to nothing more than a complainer who moved slow and made many mistakes that I have discovered since she left.

She spent a great deal of time complaining about being asked to do anything in the office to the other employee, a loyal employee of over 8 years.  It was obvious that she did not ‘read the room’ because her complaint went to someone who enjoyed the job (e.g. 8 YEARS means that the person was being treated well).

What does it mean to be treated well?  How about a high hourly rate of pay, constant bonuses and incentive pay that both employees received weekly.  I have been careful to make the bar low to receive these extra CASH payments (e.g. no taxes paid since they are not in their paycheck).  Paid days off for attending school and paid sick days.

I did not pay her sick days when they stretched longer than 1 day so her last paycheck reflected the 5 hours she worked.  This infuriated her since I had been so generous in the past.  She had been abusing this privilege but expected that she was entitled to it.

Her ‘medical excuse’ (as odd as it was) allowed her to receive unemployment and (that sweet, sweet) $232 a week when the Department of Labor in New Jersey accepted her reason for quitting.  I am sure that she will take care of her family well on that amount.

When you work for my companies, you do well.  Losing these jobs is a loss of the best job you will ever have.

She texted my employee to complain that we were spreading malicious rumors that prevented her from getting a new job.  This is doubtful.  I did say this sentiment when inquired about her 1 year and three months in our office: “our office was better for her than she was to our office.”

4) I am often fun and sometimes silly in my office except when it comes to the CDL medical exam; my livelihood and the main income of my office Safety Lane.  I take the exam very seriously.

For the most part, the people I see for this exam are impressed and pleased that a medical card from my office carries the significance of an important medical document because of my reputation as one of the best examiners not only in New Jersey (and the surrounding states) but, possibly in the United States.

Why do I offer this hubris?  I have a small population of people who come to my office who want me to do a lesser job on their exam and let them pass important parts of the exam with much lower standards.  These same people get very angry at me for expecting them to pass the same standards as any other driver who seek this medical card.  Sometimes these people are older and sometimes they are unprepared to do the exam but they still expect that the medical card should reflect their (imaginary or sell-perceived) excellent health.   

Lying to me, cheating (or attempting to), denying medical facts about their health is a perfectly acceptable means for them to get this card.  They have no shame even when confronted by me in their blatant attempts because they have an excuse that they think covers their reasoning and they, clearly, do not comprehend why I am not on board with their efforts to cheat.

Here are a few of the reasons that these people think is a perfectly acceptable rationale for what they are attempting:

a) I only want to keep the CDL but I don’t intend to actually drive a truck.

b) I have a different job now and no longer need to use the CDL

c) I forgot my glasses. Also, broke them, lost them, changed my prescription and never got new ones, and, do not intend to wear glasses so I didn’t bring them.

d) I do not use my blood pressure medicine, want to take it, I no longer have the medication because I no longer go to that doctor and did not / do not intend to, find another doctor.

e) The doctor told me to take my medicine only when I felt like it, only if my blood pressure is high that day, on alternate days, or that the doctor did not renew their prescription.  Also, that they have not seen the doctor in 2-3 years and the doctor just refills the prescription without seeing the patient.

f) They paid a great deal of money and got extensive training and do not want to lose this investment.  This investment of time and money from 15-30 years ago!

[Just so you know, all of these excuses about doctors are either lies or the worst kind of illegal behavior by a medical professional possible.  They are 100% lies in most cases]

When I do not go along with these lies (and others) patients angry at me.  Somehow they do not think that there is anything wrong with their behavior and that I am at fault for not just going along with their conduct and issuing them the card.

Just so you know, if I was the fun and silly person who hands out cards like Halloween candy you should take into account one truth: if I let every blind, or dangerously ill person get a medical card then you should think about the world of driving this would allow: the roads and highways of this area filled with dangerous drivers who can and will kill you because they are unable to see the road or control the massive vehicle they are driving.

More than these facts: no matter the reason that you are getting this medical card, the issuance of the medical card by me means that you can get behind the wheel of these vehicle and legally never get out 24/7/365: you slow down and open the window while someone tosses in your food and you toss out bottles of urine and bags of feces, stopping only to put in gas and get necessary repairs.

Of course, what I wrote is extreme and ridiculous but legally, it is 100% true.  

I will never lower my standards so that my drivers van continue their illusion that they are healthy enough to do this profession; relive their youth when this exam was easy for them, or lie to themselves.  If I lie for you then you can expect that I will lie for everyone and nothing I do can be counted on to be safe.  This will never happen: in summation, if you think I am too tough on you then you know I will be tough on everyone.

As of early 2024, there are 92,625 certified medical examiners listed on the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners. Of these, 76,898 actively access their accounts, and 38,707 perform physical qualification examinations and report results for commercial drivers. The federal government made the decision to either remove or force the removal of around 54,000 of the examiners. 

I am sure that each case was individual but they fell into a single category: the CDL examiner was unable or unwilling to uphold the standards of the profession and was putting the public at risk.  The profession is public health as much as much as clean water, clean air, OSHA, safe food and so on.

One more thing: I am still here and many more examiners are gone.  I will be doing this exam until 2033 when I will renew my registry privileges.  Get used to me; I’m not going anywhere.

5) I think that we all need to internalize this sentiment:

I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.

Angela Y. Davis

via Blogger https://bit.ly/4jQKBzk

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