Dr. Lane’s Thoughts XXVII

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1)  I have been reading something interesting in the last day – that much of Trump’s supporters and followers who have always mystified me as to why they are following this pompous jerk are made up of a group that has always been visible to me but hidden in plain sight: the non-college educated whites who Hillary Clinton (very stupidly) called “the deplorables” – a big mistake!  

Up until around 1920 the US was 97% white, but also male-dominated with strict gender roles and many manufacturing jobs that needed strong hands and not a great deal of education beyond what they taught you on the job.  Those days are gone and they took the jobs with them.  We now live in a world where ‘a workplace’ is mostly a euphemism for you kitchen table and work can be accomplished from any place with good internet or wi-fi.

But what about all those white guys living in what the electors call “the Red States”?  They had been born into a world where being a white guy or married to a white guy was the ticket to success and superiority.  The world was no longer theirs and they have a deep resentment that in the US seeking equality for the whole population, including people or color, immigrants, the disabled, and women means taking what they consider their natural birthright away from them.

And these Red State men are mad and they are resentful.  They do not think that a more progressive America is ‘fair’ to them and their families; they see all the benefits that the USA has to offer being ‘given away’ to everybody but them: recent immigrants, people of color, and pretty much any person who can be considered a member of a minority group based on skin color, nation of origin, or past relationship to the US (e.g. black as former slaves).

As flawed as Trump is and always has been he got two things right in getting elected in 2016: He was a white male and he spoke to these angry and resentful men directly and sided with their anger and resentment.  He spoke to them of how he would bring back a world where they were on top again.  He knew that he could never do that and he had no intention of even trying but he told this large group that he was their man to accomplish this goal that was important to them.  These white men in the Red states believed him and will never stop believing him because they have no other candidate who will even speak to them about this giant issue in their lives.

For these white men in a world that no longer offered the easy access to all things desirable that being a white man was supposed to bring to them, where you have to find someone to blame outside of yourself  – Trump offered a scapegoat to them.  He never told them to help themselves or find a place in the educational system with training in a field in demand he just told them that it was immigrants or the Democrats who are helping all those non-white men and women to take what the white men felt was their birthright – easy access to all that this country has to offer in the historically uneven playing field of being white and male or married to a white male had to offer.

In this world. there are no secrets to success and wealth unless you are born a Kushner or a Trump: which is to  say easy access to the money left to you by your parents.  Everyone else has to go to school and try to get a decent job where they are appreciated and have a chance to work, get paid, get promoted, and create a career, and try to live within their means.  Nothing is easy or stable for most of us and the world we live in and the people we rely on is always shifting.

Trump has won favor by pretending that he is looking out for the non-college educated white man and promising them that he will give them what he cannot actually deliver: reliable employment for the rest of their lives.  All he wants from them is their votes and their gullible belief that he cares about them.  He has delivered them only one thing: that he is white and they do not have to worry that he may be showing consideration to any other group than white people, unlike Barack Obama who made it clear that he was interested in everybody in the United States and not only white people.

2) My little shih tzu has the best life.  My wife is always saying that when she dies she would like to come back as a dog owned by me.  I understand since my dog gets guaranteed unremitting love, a house just for him with a nice bed and blankets, fresh food (my wife cooks meals for him), toys to play with that are consistently replaced after he ruins them, vet care, a nice collection of clothes.  So I get it – a wonderful life for a little dog.

3) There is a wonderful show on Netflix that I am in love with: Midnight Diner.  Ostensibly, it is a show filmed in Japan about a diner  and its regular customers but really it is a show about love, loss, and redemption.  It is in Japanese but Netflix lets you put in subtitles so the beautiful scripts show through, teaching the watchers about Japan and its people.  You can even learn how to make the food dishes, one of which is part of the plot of each episode.  

The show must be very popular in Japan because there are two shows: “Midnight Diner” and “Midnight Diner – Tokyo Stories”

Do not let any of my description turn you off from trying this show  – there is something in each episode for everyone even if a show about Japan or love is not what you want in your TV watching.

4) On a regular basis I hear people who dispute the coronavirus even exists and actively protest vaccinations of every kind.  They tell me anecdotal stories of other people that they are peripherally connected to (“my sister has a friend who’s brother…”, “there was this really pretty girl in high school…”) who had a vaccination for the flu and now there is something wrong with them.

Your stories do not compare to my knowledge.

If vaccinations cause side-effects that are life-altering then we would be familiar with them on a global basis since WHO and other healthcare organizations vaccinate millions of children and adults each year against a myriad of diseases and there are no reports of widespread problems or negative responses.

Stop fighting vaccinations which are lifesavers and have saved countless people for the last 100 years.  Vaccinations are modern medicine at its very best.

As far as coronavirus is concerned – it is real, it is killing people and it has to be stopped.  You can talk out of your ass all day long about how it is fake and a government conspiracy and vaccinating against it causes bad breath and marital breakups and bad grades – I don’t really care what you want to say about coronavirus and the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines – it has to be stopped and you should consider getting a vaccination, if possible.

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