Forty or fewer grams of carbs a day can reverse prediabetes (Roizon article)
A new study reveals how the 96 million adults in the U.S. with prediabetes can stop their race to full-blown diabetes in six months without much stress or strain. That includes 70 million who are not aware that they have the condition, which increases the risk for heart disease and stroke.
According to research published in JAMA Network Open, sticking to a low-carb diet — fewer than 40 grams of carbs daily — does the trick. The study compared 75 folks ages 40 to 70 who had an A1c of 6.0% to 6.9% and who went on the restricted diet to 75 folks with the same age and A1c levels who stuck to their normal eating routine. It showed that “the low-carbohydrate diet intervention group had significantly greater six-month reductions in HbA1c.”
If you’re overweight, do not exercise regularly, have a parent, brother or sister with Type 2 diabetes, or have PCOS, ask your doctor for a blood test to check for prediabetes. If you’re diagnosed, you can hit the mark for 40 grams of carbs a day with 1/2 cup cooked beans (15 grams), 1/2 large apple (15 grams), 1/2 cup blueberries (9 grams) and seven to nine servings of non-starchy vegetables and fatty fish like salmon.
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