Green Mediterranean Diet Lowers Visceral Adipose Tissue 07105

Green Mediterranean Diet Lowers Visceral Adipose Tissue

[Translation into normal non-medical English: The Mediterranean Diet decreases the fat you can see on your body – Dr. Lane]

Visceral adipose tissue is significantly reduced with the green Mediterranean diet (MED), which consists of polyphenols and reduced red meat intake, according to a new analysis of the 18-month Dietary Intervention Randomized Controlled Trial Polyphenols Unprocessed (DIRECT-PLUS) trial.

The new results indicate that the green Mediterranean diet lowered visceral fat by twice as much as the standard Mediterranean diet (14% vs 7%), report Iris Shai, PhD, of the Benā€Gurion University of the Negev in Be’er Sheva, Israel, and colleagues.

“This study may suggest an improved dietary protocol for treating visceral adiposity,” the authors write in their article, published recently in BMC Medicine.

Lower red meat consumption, greater dietary consumption of walnuts, Wolffia globosa, and green tea, increased urine urolithin A polyphenol, and elevated total plasma polyphenols were significantly associated with greater visceral adipose tissue loss (< .05, multivariate models).

“A green Mediterranean diet enriched with polyphenols and decreased red meat consumption might serve as an improved version of the Mediterranean diet for targeted VAT reduction. Future studies are needed to explore the exact mechanisms of specific polyphenol-rich foods on visceral adiposity,” the study authors conclude.

BMC Med. 2022;20:327. Full text

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