Olive oil’s special benefits (Roizon article)

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Olive oil’s special benefits

Olive oil can help you slide into better health! Extra-virgin olive oil delivers more than 20 kinds of polyphenols that help tamp down inflammation and protect you from premature aging. Unfiltered olive oil, containing tiny specks of the whole olive, contains even more polyphenols but has a shorter shelf life after the bottle is opened and a stronger flavor. Mild-flavored filtered olive oil is great for cooking any dish.

Whichever olive oil you use, the Cleveland Clinic says that substituting it for saturated fats can help lower LDL cholesterol, reduce blood pressure and protect you from vascular disease — and EVOO can help lower your cancer risk. A 2022 study found that those who consumed the most olive oil were 19% less likely to die of cardiovascular disease and 17% less likely to die of cancer over 28 years than folks who didn’t consume much olive oil.

And a new long-range study of 90,000 people found that eating about half a tablespoon of olive oil a day lowers the risk of dementia by 28% compared to folks who don’t ever or rarely eat it. So, whether you’re using it straight from the bottle on salads or as a dip for bread or cooking with (it’s still beneficial if you don’t heat it above its smoke point), it’s a good way to lubricate your health.

via Blogger https://bit.ly/4ccTw9l