‘Robust Evidence’ That Exercise Cuts Parkinson Risk in Women

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‘Robust Evidence’ That Exercise Cuts Parkinson Risk in Women

Physical activity has been tied to a significantly decreased risk of Parkinson’s disease (PD) in women, results of a large, long-term prospective study show.

Investigators found that among almost 99,000 women participating in the ongoing E3N study, those who exercised the most frequently had up to a 25% lower risk for PD than their less-active counterparts.

The results highlight the importance of exercising early in mid-life to prevent PD later on, study investigator Alexis Elbaz, MD, PhD, research director, French Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm), Paris, France, told Medscape Medical News.

This is especially critical since there is no cure nor disease-modifying treatments. The medications that are available are aimed at symptom reduction.

“Finding ways to prevent or delay the onset of Parkinson’s is really important, and physical activity seems to be one of the possible strategies to reduce the risk,” Elbaz said.

The study was published online May 17 in Neurology.

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