Roizon Medical Roundup (9-18-2022)
1. Parents now know that they should not live near fracking sites (and fracking sites should be made safer) because children ages 2 to 7 who live in those areas are two to three times more likely to be diagnosed with leukemia. Living near freeways is also risky for kids but will get better as electric trucks replace diesel ones.
2. With “forever chemicals” known as PFAs causing inescapable health threats, including cancer and hormone disruption, news that Northwestern University researchers discovered a way of eliminating those cancer-causing “forever chemicals” in everyday items like food packaging, non-stick frying pans and makeup is cause for celebration.
3. Berkeley Lab researchers found that aerosolized nicotine, released during smoking and vaping, clings to indoor surfaces, where it can interact with a compound present in indoor air to form seriously carcinogenic compounds called tobacco-specific nitrosamines long after smoke clears the room. Now you can lay down the law: No more smoking or vaping, anytime, anywhere in or around your home!
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