Sexual dissatisfaction in midlife is a warning sign for the future (Roizon article) 07105

Sexual dissatisfaction in midlife is a warning sign for the future

Researchers from Penn State looked at data on cognitive changes in 818 men from the age of 56 to 68. What they saw was a strong connection between psychological and physical health. Their conclusion, if guys want to take steps to prevent reduction in brain function and increased cardiovascular problems, they should pay attention, today, to their feelings of having less satisfaction with their sex life.

Now, I’d bet women who experience decreasing levels of sexual satisfaction in midlife are also receiving warning signs that they are headed for increased cardiovascular and cognitive problems. In the U.S. Social Health Study, when people age 58 were tracked for 27 years, research showed one of the major factors that predicted sexual enjoyment at age 85 was having very little inflammation in your body at age 58.

The bottom line: For a satisfying older age in which you enjoy all the benefits of heart and brain health, you need to adopt anti-inflammatory habits. They include optimal nutrition and physical exercise, quality sleep and smart stress reduction, as well as brain-training, a good posse and sense of purpose.

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