Steady pressure can be good — steady blood pressure, that is (Roizon article) 07105

Steady pressure can be good — steady blood pressure, that is

Everyone’s blood pressure fluctuates — depending on activities, stress, what and when you eat, medications (ibuprofen, for example), and the position of your body. That’s normal — as long as the fluctuations aren’t too great and don’t cause symptoms like shortness of breath, loss of balance or brain fog. If the variations are significant and happen frequently, you may have labile hypertension and need to be evaluated — most likely by wearing a monitor for a week to see just how often and how great the fluctuations are.

Why it matters: A study in Annals of Internal Medicine found that variations of more than 14 mmHg in systolic pressure (the top number) were associated with a 25% increased risk of heart failure. Another study in Circulation showed long-term blood pressure variability in middle age is associated with sudden cardiac death. And a new study in Neurology reveals that people with high blood pressure fluctuations averaging 18 mmHg are more likely to have problems with cognition and memory than those with steady pressure (in this study, that variability was found in Black participants). Good news: Variations in high blood pressure caused no significant impact on cognition for participants taking antihypertensives. So, take those meds!

The bottom line: Daily physical activity, a plant-based diet, good sleep habits, stress management, and moderate/no alcohol consumption promote a healthy, steady blood pressure. Also, have your blood pressure checked annually from age 20 and more often if it’s elevated or varies widely from test to test. 

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