07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK Just 2 cans of soda per week is too much — even if you exercise: study Workouts are rendered worthless by soda consumption, scientists warn. Drinking just two 12-ounce cans of pop per week can effectively erase the heart health gains made during exercise, according to a new study published in the American Journal… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Blogger
Resistance (exercise) is far from futile (Roizon article) 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK Resistance (exercise) is far from futile A review out of the University of Limerick says that if you’re depressed or anxious, resistance exercises effectively ease those feelings. The researchers looked at 12 studies and concluded that resistance exercise provides measurable emotional benefits, likely from their impact on blood circulation and neural firing in the… Read more »
What We Can Learn from SuperAgers 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK What We Can Learn from SuperAgers Why do so many older people experience age-related memory loss? Why do some develop dementia? Researchers have devoted tremendous amounts of time and money to the study of cognitive decline over the years…but far less attention is paid to the flip side of these questions—why do some older… Read more »
Health Benefits of Stretching You Probably Didn’t Know 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK Health Benefits of Stretching You Probably Didn’t Know For many, stretching is the fitness equivalent of awkward small talk. It’s the opening act, the thing you tolerate because you know it will be over soon. Others have challenged the practice, suggesting that stretching isn’t necessary at all. Some research found that a pre-workout stretch may even have bad… Read more »
Twin Study: An eight-week turn-around in heart health (Roizon article) 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK Twin Study: An eight-week turn-around in heart health A new Stanford University study of identical twins followed 22 pairs for eight weeks. Half of each pair went on a vegan diet, the other on an omnivore diet that included chicken, fish, eggs, cheese, dairy and other animal-derived foods. Both groups ate lots of vegetables,… Read more »
Inexpensive Blood Test Can Screen for Alzheimer’s: Study 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK Inexpensive Blood Test Can Screen for Alzheimer’s: Study A blood test that’s already commercially available is nearly as accurate as more invasive tests like spinal taps at detecting potential signs of Alzheimer’s disease, a new study shows. The test looks for a protein in the blood called p-tau217, and the independent researchers found that… Read more »
Surprising Things That Can Damage Your Liver 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK Surprising Things That Can Damage Your Liver Sugar Too much sugar isn’t just bad for your teeth. It can harm your liver, too. The organ uses one type of sugar, called fructose, to make fat. Too much refined sugar and high-fructose corn syrup causes a fatty buildup that can lead to liver disease. Some… Read more »
How does chronic stress harm the gut? 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK How does chronic stress harm the gut? Mental stress has long been linked to flare-ups of gastrointestinal conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Now, researchers have uncovered exact details of one way that stress can harm the intestines — by setting off a biochemical cascade that reshapes the gut microbiome. Their study, published… Read more »
What Is the Clinical Course of Low Back Pain? 07105 chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK What Is the Clinical Course of Low Back Pain? Patients with back pain that has persisted for less than 12 weeks have a high probability of substantial pain reduction over time, but patients with back pain that has persisted for 12 or more weeks have a lower chance of improvement, new data suggest. In a… Read more »
Vitamin K2 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK Vitamin K2 Vitamin K comes in two forms — K1 and K2. K1 is found in leafy greens, like spinach and iceberg lettuce, as well as broccoli and canola and soy oils. K2 shows up in inflammatory, artery-clogging foods like high-fat dairy from grass-fed cows, egg yolks and organ meats. It’s also in gut-loving… Read more »
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