Posts Tagged: Blogger

Genetics Explains Why You Drink So Much Coffee 07105 Genetics Explains Why You Drink So Much CoffeeIf your favorite order at Starbucks is the “red-eye,” you can thank genetics for your ability to slog down all that caffeine without the shakes.In a new study, scientists identified eight genetic variants that could partly explain why some people drink coffee by the pot,… Read more »

Nature NOT Nurture When It Comes To Academic Achievement 07105 Nature NOT Nurture When It Comes To Academic Achievement In an idealized world, which factors would influence a student’s likelihood of academic achievement, and how do nature and nurture conspire to dictate those outcomes? A new study confirms the well-established finding that intelligence — a highly heritable trait — reins supreme in… Read more »

Living Near Major Roadways Increases Likelihood of Hypertension 07105 Living Near Major Roadways Increases Likelihood of Hypertension Living close to major roadways, such as freeways, freeway ramps, or heavily trafficked arterial roads, is associated with higher blood pressure, according to a new analysis. For example, individuals who lived within 100 m of any major roadway were 22% more likely to have… Read more »

USPSTF: Screen Everyone 45 and Older for Abnormal Glucose 07105 USPSTF: Screen Everyone 45 and Older for Abnormal Glucose Adults aged 45 and older and those who are younger with risk factors should be screened for abnormal blood glucose and type 2 diabetes, according to new draft guidelines from the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF). The draft recommendation statement and draft… Read more »

‘Medical Food’ Bests Ibuprofen in Chronic Low Back Pain 07105 ‘Medical Food’ Bests Ibuprofen in Chronic Low Back PainTheramine, a “medical food” containing an amino acid blend (AAB), significantly improves chronic low back pain and reduces inflammation compared with low-dose ibuprofen, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), or a combination of these 2 treatments, results of a new study show. This is the… Read more »

How Treating Your back May Help Your Insides! 07105 How Treating Your back May Help Your Insides! While chiropractic treatment is getting more recognition for helping joint and muscle problems, many people still reject the idea that manipulation might help problems outside the spine. Of course, the idea of spinal manipulation improving the health of the whole body, including the internal… Read more »

Women Only: 8 Clothing Items That Are Bad For Your Back 07105 8 Clothing Items That Are Bad For Your BackIt should come as no surprise that fashion items like high heels and heavy carryalls are pretty bad for your back, but you might be surprised by some of the other items in your closet that are having a negative on your spine—among them… Read more »

Daytime Dozing Reduces Risk of Cardiovascular Death (and other Health Problems) 07105 Daytime Dozing Reduces Risk of Cardiovascular Death Here’s a little good news for daytime snoozers: Taking a brief siesta in the middle of the day may dramatically lower your risk of death due to heart disease. The results of a recent study published in The Archives of Internal Medicine revealed that midday… Read more »

Sleeping Positions That are the Best (Approved by The ACA) 07105 Sleeping Positions That are the Best (Approved by The American Chiropractic Association) There are two approved methods of sleeping recommended by the American Chiropractic Association: sleeping on your side and sleeping on your back.  Sleeping on your stomach is not only the least desirable position to sleep in, but it can damage… Read more »

Diabetes May Be Associated with Use of Statins 07105 Diabetes May Be  Associated with Use of StatinsA new analysis confirms that statin therapy is associated with a significantly increased risk of type 2 diabetes and the reason for this, according to researchers, is partially explained by genetic variants near the gene encoding the HMG-coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase protein.The researchers, led by… Read more »