Posts Tagged: Blogger

HEALTH What does it take: To Be Happy with Your Spouse?

What does it take: To Be Happy with Your Spouse?Happiness is an elusive goal and being happy in a marriage is moreso because it is trying to win over another person every day.  So what does it take?It takes… liking yourself.OK – here comes the anger and disgust because Dr. Lane is being deceptive and… Read more »

Autism: Maternal Antibodies May Trigger up to 25% of Autism Cases

Maternal Antibodies May Trigger up to 25% of Autism CasesChildhood Disintegrative DisorderMaternal antibodies that interfere with fetal brain proteins during pregnancy may be responsible for roughly one quarter of cases of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), a new study suggests.Lead researcher Judy Van de Water, PhD, and colleagues have coined the term “maternal autoantibody–related,” or MAR,… Read more »

Health and Pollution and water: Get Green

Health: Get GreenYou read that title   and you thought Dr. Lane was going to write a lecture about food.No, that is not the green I mean.  I want you to get outside!!Go to a park and be around trees and the green of nature.  Go to the beach and be around water.Get away from… Read more »

Fitness: Posture Hint

Fitness: Posture hintYou have all heard about posture until you just tune it out.Dr. Lane’s easy way to do posture right without hassle: forget all that stuff about shoulders aback and stomach in…Just pull your head up (as if there is a rope attached to your skull pulling you up from above.Get used to this… Read more »

Meat and Mortality: a study

The Study:  Meat consumption and mortality – results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition The Facts: The study looked at the association between consumption of processed vs. unprocessed red meats, poultry, and the risk of early death. This was a very large study which followed 448,568 men and women, ages 35-69 years, with… Read more »

Smoking/Drinking Combo Accelerates Cognitive Decline

Smoking/Drinking Combo Accelerates Cognitive Decline The combination of smoking and heavy drinking accelerates cognitive decline more than either habit alone, new research shows. A large, longitudinal study conducted by investigators from University College London in the United Kingdom showed that individuals who smoked and were also heavy drinkers had a 36% faster rate of cognitive… Read more »

MORE PROOF: A Healthy Life May Help Against Prostate Cancer

A Healthy Life May Guard Against Aggressive Prostate Cancer Men may be able to lower their risk of being diagnosed with highly aggressive prostate cancer by sticking closely to diet and exercise recommendations, new research hints. In the study, researchers looked at the lifestyle and diet of more than 2000 men with newly diagnosed prostate… Read more »

Be Careful If you Consume Artificial Sweeteners

Be Careful If you Consume Artificial SweetenersConsumption of noncaloric, artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs) is associated with an increased risk for disease variety of chronic diseases.The prospective studies found an elevated risk for weight gain and obesity, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, and hypertension in those who consumed ASBs. No decreased risk for… Read more »

Autism Linked to Lower Levels of Distinct Gut Bacteria

Autism Linked to Lower Levels of Distinct Gut BacteriaChildren with autism appear to have distinctly different levels of intestinal flora, which may increase their vulnerability to pathogenic bacteria and perhaps play a role in autism pathogenesis, new research suggests.In a small study, investigators at Arizona State University in Tempe found that autistic children had significantly… Read more »

Toenail fungus – Is there any cure for that doesn’t involve a risky drug?The germs that cause toenail fungus, or onychomycosis as it is known in the medical world, are tough to avoid. They thrive near pools, in gyms, on clothing and can even hide in carpeting. So it may be no surprise that at… Read more »