Posts Tagged: Blogger

Proof that cancer is sweet on sugar 07105chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK Proof that cancer is sweet on sugar A new study published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention shows that women who drink sugar-laced soda five or more times a week are 85% more likely to die from breast cancer than women who never or rarely drink sugary sodas. They were also 65% more likely… Read more »

Dr. Lane’s Thoughts XXXII 07105chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK Dr. Lane’s Thoughts XXXII 1) Please stop making excuses for why your kids are less capable than you. Yes, they live in a different world than you but you lived in a different world than your parents so your argument doesn’t hold water.  Also, a teenager is not biologically, physically, or mentally different today… Read more »

Periodontitis Tied to Higher Blood Pressure in Otherwise Healthy Individuals 07105chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK Periodontitis Tied to Higher Blood Pressure in Otherwise Healthy Individuals Periodontitis is associated with significantly higher blood pressure in otherwise healthy individuals, a new study suggests. Researchers examined data on 250 adults with periodontitis and 250 adults without gum disease who were matched by age, sex, and body mass index (BMI). Overall, individuals with… Read more »

Moderate Alcohol Consumption Linked to Reduced Cataract Risk 07105chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK Moderate Alcohol Consumption Linked to Reduced Cataract Risk People who drink moderate amounts of alcohol have lower rates of cataract surgery than nondrinkers, researchers say. The finding, from two databases analyzed by the same research team, doesn’t mean people should start drinking specifically to prevent cataract, said Anthony Khawaja, PhD, associate professor at the… Read more »

Inactivity Drives 1 in 14 Deaths Globally, New Data Suggest 07105chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK Inactivity Drives 1 in 14 Deaths Globally, New Data Suggest The high cost of a sedentary lifestyle just became a bit more evident ― a new global study shows that inactivity drives up to 8% of noncommunicable diseases and mortality. Physical inactivity, defined as engaging in less than 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of… Read more »

Artificial Sweetners – they will be the death of you! 07105chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK Artificial Sweetners – they will be the death of you! Saccharine, sucralose, aspartame and acesulfame potassium — these are the most common artificial sweeteners.  Stevia / stevita is not an artificial sweetner because it is derived from a plant source, just like cane sugar is the source of table sugar.Researchers from the University of… Read more »

Directed Dreaming 07105chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK Directed Dreaming (modified Dr. Oz article) Researchers have confirmed that that when you turn your idle thoughts to daydreaming about pleasant memories, a future accomplishment or an event you’re looking forward to, you boost your wellness and increase pain tolerance.In their study, published in the journal Emotions, the researchers helped volunteers shift from their standard… Read more »

The surprising habit that can reverse aging 07105chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK The surprising habit that can reverse aging  But when you are younger is exactly the time to start thinking about how to optimize your lifestyle to age well. “There are huge strides being made in aging biology” that point to ways that we can potentially slow the aging process, says Steele, 35, whose research… Read more »

Caffeine Before Exercise Helps You Burn Fat 07105chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK Caffeine Before Exercise Helps You Burn Fat Taking caffeine — or drinking strong coffee — half an hour before aerobic exercise can increase fat-burning, according to a new study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. The effects of the caffeine are higher if the exercise is done in the afternoon rather than in the… Read more »

Fasting: What Can It Do for You! 07105chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK Fasting: What Can It Do for You! Boost Weight Loss Studies show that no matter what your method of fasting, you’re likely to lose some weight when you do it. But a bigger benefit to note is that fasting also works to bust belly fat. Carrying too much weight around the middle raises your… Read more »