Posts Tagged: Wordpress

Dr. Lane’s Thoughts XXI 07105 NEWARK 1.  There is racial and civil unrest unrest in this country right now concerning the lives of Black people.  It may bring some changes but real, systemic change will only happen when it becomes a bygone conclusion that change is both inevitable and impossible to ignore.  Change will happen when the… Read more »

Spices to cool your inflammation (Dr. Oz article) 07105 NEWARK Spices to cool your inflammation Chili peppers, cinnamon and red pepper are the three best-selling spices in the U.S., and oregano, parsley and basil are the most favored herbs, according to researchers from the University of Illinois. But many other herbs and spices are gaining favor lately. Around 40% of folks… Read more »

Climate change is tied to major pregnancy complications, with black mothers most at risk 07105 NEWARK Climate change is tied to major pregnancy complications, with black mothers most at risk Climate change is tied to major pregnancy complications, with black mothers most at risk, according to a study that looked at 32 million U.S. births. Thursday, June 18, 2020 11:06 AM EST The research, published Thursday, presents… Read more »

Women! Speak to your primary care doctors for your heart health! (Dr. Oz article) 07105 NEWARK Women! Speak to your primary care doctors for your heart health! (Dr. Oz article) “Today in America, women are being sent to early graves because our country has failed to combat a disease that kills more of us annually than all forms of cancer combined.”Neglect of women’s heart health happens repeatedly… Read more »

Coffee Will Help You Lose Weight (Dr. Oz article) 07105 NEWARK Coffee Will Help You Lose Weight (Dr. Oz article) Researchers looked at data from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. They found that men, ages 20 to 44, who drink two to three cups of joe a day have 1.3% less total fat and… Read more »

Another way sodas and sugary drinks ruin your health (Dr. Oz) 07105 NEWARK Another way sodas and sugary drinks ruin your health (Dr. Oz) Did you know that every day, at least 50% of the U.S. population — that would be 165 million people — have a sugary drink such as a soda, energy/sports drink, sugar-added juice or flavored coffee or tea. It’s 65%… Read more »

Green Tea for Weight Control 07105 NEWARK Green Tea for Weight Control A metastudy that looked at 26 randomized, controlled trials, involving 1,344 people, found that folks who regularly consume green tea extract had a lower body weight and body mass index. The results, published in Phytotherapy Research, showed that taking in less than 500 mg of extract… Read more »

Dr. Lane’s Thoughts XX 07105 NEWARK Dr. Lane’s Thoughts XX 1) I am amazed at people who have bought into the theme created by Trump that anyone who does not agree with him is ‘fake news’.  This is the first president that I have ever heard of who is measured by the number of lies he has… Read more »

Dr. Lane’s Thoughts XIX 07105 NEWARK 1) It is interesting for me to watch how conservatives (which is largely but not completely made up of Republicans) convince minorities that while their views may have started out as liberal or democratic when they were younger, that it is now time to ‘grow up’ to a more mature view… Read more »

Dr. Lane’s Thoughts XVIII 07105 NEWARK 1) Fair.  That’s not ‘fair’.  This word, “fair” is a word ensconced in the concept of justice and is only used in terms of the human perception of what is right or equal when in front of a form of justice-producing leadership, a god or someone who judges. “Fair” is a… Read more »