Posts Tagged: Wordpress

Are You Getting Enough Vitamin E? 07105 You Getting Enough Vitamin E? We hear about vitamin C, vitamin A, the B vitamins, calcium and iron. But what¹s so great about vitamin E? Well, most of us know that it¹s good for the skin. After all, check out all those skin care products in your local supermarket ‹ most… Read more »

Extreme Anger Increases Risk of Heart Disease 07105 Anger Increases Risk of Heart Disease Abundant evidence suggests anger can be damaging – both emotionally and physically – but the type of anger can make a difference in the health risks. For example, a  recent study classified anger into three categories: Constructive anger – discussing to resolve the situation Destructive anger… Read more »

Overweight and Obese Children Eat Less 07105 Overweight and Obese Children Eat Less When conducting a study of eating habits in children, researchers were startled to find that obese and overweight children over 7 years old actually eat less than normal weight children. Once they reach 15 to 17 years old, obese and overweight children actually eat more… Read more »

Sunlight Exposure Reduces Risk of MS 07105 Sunlight Exposure Reduces Risk of MS Two studies suggest that the amount of sunlight a pregnant woman gets and the amount of sunlight her subsequent child gets may both play a role in the risk of multiple sclerosis (MS). The first study found that “Region of birth and low maternal exposure to ultraviolet… Read more »

Having a Purpose in Life Reduces Risk of Alzheimer’s 07105 Having a Purpose in Life Reduces Risk of Alzheimer’s Having a purpose in life can have a very significant positive impact on an older person’s mental health. Researchers found that “a person with a high score for the purpose of life measure was approximately 2.4 times more likely to remain free of… Read more »

Chronic Fatigue Common in Type 1 Diabetes 07105 Chronic Fatigue Common in Type 1 DiabetesChronic fatigue is a common problem among people with type 1 diabetes, a new observational Dutch study finds.In the study, “chronic fatigue” was defined as severe fatigue lasting at least 6 months.The clinical message is that the prevalence of chronic fatigue is high in diabetes… Read more »

Junk Food Too Early Linked to Children’s Mental Health 07105 Junk Food Too Early Linked to Children’s Mental HealthAlong with the myriad negative effects on physical health, “junk food” during pregnancy and in early childhood is linked to a significantly increased risk for poor mental health, including anxiety and depression, in very young children, new research shows.A large, prospective study by… Read more »

Super-Fit Women: Any Age 07105 Super-Fit Women: Any Age Women lose about 5 pounds of muscle every decade Your metabolism starts to sputter as you head into menopause You can expect up to a 30% decline in bone mass in your 50s You don’t need to be a genetically blessed model or have a plastic surgeon… Read more »

Obamacare open enrollment promises more incentives and costs 07105 Obamacare open enrollment promises more incentives and costsAs American workers prepare for the first open enrollment season of the Obamacare era, hints are surfacing about what awaits them – higher deductibles, more incentives for staying well and premium hikes that continue to out-strip wages, albeit by more moderate amounts than in… Read more »

Children bullied in school may have more problems as adults 07105chiropractic-lane.blogspot.comwww.chiropractic-lane.comStudy: Children bullied in school may have more problems as adults Bullying doesn’t end in the school yard, but casts a shadow across adulthood, when victims are far more likely to have emotional, behavioral, financial and health problems, a new study suggests. Those who were both victim and perpetrator as schoolchildren fared the worst as adults:… Read more »