Tea and Coffee Lower Blood Pressure in Large French Registry


Tea and Coffee Lower Blood Pressure in Large French Registry

Michael O’Riordan
Jun 18, 2013

MILAN, Italy — A large French retrospective analysis provides good news for caffeine lovers: investigators showed that drinking tea or coffee was associated with a small but statistically significant reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure. In addition, drinking tea and coffee was also associated with a significant reduction in pulse pressure and heart rate, although the heart-rate reductions were greater with tea.

Presenting the results at the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) 2013 Scientific Sessions, Dr Bruno Pannier (Centre d’Investigations Préventives et Cliniques, Paris, France) said that other studies have suggested a relationship between coffee and tea consumption and blood pressure, but these analyses haven’t been conclusive. Some have suggested a benefit, while others found no relationship between tea/coffee consumption and blood pressure.