Vitamin D Supplements Can Save Your Life

Vitamin D Supplements Can Save Your Life

While this may seem like an exaggeration, consider the study published in The American Journal of Cardiology. The study involved over 10,000 participants, over 70% of which we women. Of the total participants, 70% were vitamin D deficient.
The study found that “vitamin D deficiency was associated with several cardiovascular-related diseases, including hypertension, coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathy, and diabetes. Vitamin D deficiency was a strong independent predictor of all-cause death.” In fact, the likelihood of death for someone who was vitamin D deficient was over two and a half times the likelihood of death for a person that had a sufficient level of vitamin D in their body.
Those that took vitamin D supplements had a risk ration that was 60% lower than those who didn’t take the supplements and were deficient. These findings cause the researchers to note that “vitamin D deficiency was associated with a significant risk of cardiovascular disease and reduced survival. Vitamin D supplementation was significantly associated with better survival, specifically in patients with documented deficiency.”
Vitamin D is proving to be one of the most important vitamins to be sufficient in. Be sure to talk to your doctor of chiropractic about your nutrition needs and see if your vitamin D level should be tested.

via Blogger