Taking the Burn Out of Heartburn

www.chiropractic-lane.com 07105

Hi readers!

  I rarely reprint a Drs. Oz and Roizen posting so close to the date of the original publication but this one had a few elements I wanted to get out earlier than usual.

  We hear a lot about obesity and we can see many people with this problem just by looking around at the first 10 people we see the moment we look up from reading this article, but what are the real dangers?

  If your first response about the dangers of obesity  is about attractiveness and appeal, guess again.  Carrying extra pounds on your frame impacts on the body’s ability to utilize sugars and hormones, digest properly, it pushes the heart to work harder, and it strains the joints of the hips and knees.

  Often diabetes can be controlled without medication simply by losing weight!

   This article speaks of a different issue that is affected by obesity, GERD

Taking the Burn Out of Heartburn
“Doc, my heartburn is killing me,” may be more on target than you know. A new study reveals that people with frequent heartburn, not just those suffering a severe problem with acid reflux called GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), are much more likely to develop throat cancer than folks who never have heartburn.

And problems with heartburn are spreading like wildfire, possibly because of increased obesity, diabetes and inactivity. A 2011 study of industrialized nations found that from 1997 to 2009, the number of folks who have heartburn at least once a week soared by 47 percent. So, here’s what you can (and should) do to prevent heartburn before it gets the better of you.

1. Identify and avoid your heartburn triggers: Keep a food diary that tracks what you eat and when you get heartburn. One of the most common food triggers is fatty food. It causes your lower esophageal sphincter, the flap of tissue that keeps stomach acid in the stomach, to get lazy and loose, allowing acid into the esophagus. (Ouch!) Other frequent triggers: alcohol, citrus, chocolate, tomatoes and coffee.

2. Lose weight if you need to. Being overweight doubles your chance for heartburn. Losing 10 percent of your body weight can give heartburn the boot.

3. Exercise regularly. Physical activity helps your digestive system work better and promotes weight loss. So, get a pedometer and walk (a few steps more every day) until you’re up to 10,000 steps daily. And go to Realage.com to enjoy our simple, effective and fun walking program.


Mehmet Oz, M.D. is host of “The Dr. Oz Show,” and Mike Roizen, M.D

via Blogger http://chiropractic-lane.blogspot.com/2013/07/taking-burn-out-of-heartburn.html

2 Responses to “Taking the Burn Out of Heartburn”

    • chirolane


      I am sorry I don’t have a name to address you directly. This is a good question. There are two factors to consider in the issue or GERD, or acid reflux in general. The first is the foods you eat and the other is your esophageal sphincter (the valve that closes when you eat to stop the acid of the stomach from traveling back up and causing the burn). To be clear, often the food eaten is also the issue as to why the sphincter either open incorrectly or doesn’t close – for those people the two issues are really one; for others, the food issue is one issue and the sphincter issue is due to muscle problems.

      Patients know which food cause them stress or distress. It could be foods too spicy or foods that are too hot, or specific food groups like fruit or food not chewed well enough. Only the patient knows what food are involved. For these patients I would also suggest a coating agent for the stomach, such as Milk Of Magnesia, Pepto-Bismol, or any generic of these two.

      The food in a person’s gut often is impacted by medicines that they must take and this causes their GERD. A generous intake of probiotics may be able to restore balance, either as a one-time treatment or done regularly.

      Without knowing the specifics of a patient’s issues, these generic answers I hope will help.

      – Dr. Lane