Two SPICE Studies about Lower Lipids/ Triglycerides and BLOOD PRESSURE 07105

Two SPICE Studies about Lower Lipids/ Triglycerides and BLOOD PRESSURE

Two studies on the effect of America’s favorite spices on triglycerides and blood pressure have found that when folks who are overweight and have elevated cholesterol enjoy a daily dose of a mixture of dried basil, bay leaf, black pepper, cinnamon, coriander, cumin, ginger, oregano, parsley, red pepper, rosemary, thyme and turmeric (call it the ‘dried spice mixture), they register lower blood pressure and healthier levels of lipids.

The first study in the journal Food and Function found that individually, cinnamon, cloves and turmeric were most effective in lowering triglycerides. When combined, cinnamon, cloves and turmeric delivered powerful results.

The second study, presented at NUTRITION 2021, found that eating about half a tablespoon of the dried spice mixture daily for four weeks lowers both systolic (top number) and diastolic (lower) blood pressure. Seems the spices relax your blood vessels. The systolic number went down 2.2 mmHg and the diastolic went down 1.6 mmHg. That’s enough to help protect your blood vessels from damage and reduce the risk of stroke. (One study found lowering systolic blood pressure by 1 mmHg cuts the risk by 5%.) 

So spice up your food and you’ll spice up your health — and, who knows, maybe your love life too.

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