Dr. Lane’s Thoughts XXXVI

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Dr. Lane’s Thoughts XXXVI

1) Most people who have been through hardship, discrimination, or tragedy do not want a handout or sympathy; they just want a chance to prove themselves.

2) The truly vaccine-resistant are not vaccine-hesitant.  “Hesitancy” implies that they need to feel comfortable with their decision; the resistant will never be convinced no matter how much they are ‘informed’ – they are just wasting the time of the better informed. There is nothing that will convince them and once they start to argue about the vaccine or asking questions I suggest that you just walk away – they are just wasting your time.  They will say they ‘just want answers’ but there are no answers that will convince them – they are diehard anti-vaccine people and they will waste your time.

Trust me on one thing: if they catch COVID-19 they will scream and holler about wanting the vaccine immediately and will be spitting angry that you cannot cure them this very instant! [Vaccines are not cure, they are prevention].

The ‘vaccine-hesitant’ (such a cute name, implying a girlish squeamishness to all thing vulgar) will not get the vaccine because they actually enjoy being sought after or pressured for their enrollment most likely after a life of being marginalized and ignored.  This is their moment of ‘power’ and they do not mind the prospect of dying as an alternative to continuing to live in the shadow that they have become accustomed to.  Many of these people feel invisible and their holdout status with receiving a vaccination may be the only way they can get noticed.  Basically, they are willing to die in order to be noticed. They do not have questions that need to be answered or to have anything explained to them that will make them compliant to receiving a vaccine – they will never get the vaccine.  Either they will live and create an internal argument about how they never needed the vaccine or they will become outwardly arrogant and vocal about how they survived and nobody needed the vaccine.

Or they will die and make all the people they know feel vindicated about doing the right thing.  

I have heard them with their mixture of fake science, bits and pieces of real science taken out of context (“immunity is natural so I don’t need a vaccine, right?”), the repeating of conservative talking points (the words of rich white Republicans coming out of the mouths of inner-city blacks is truly a surreal experience), and informing me of infamous pseudo-medical charlatans who claim to have a unique approach to ‘curing’ communicable diseases (you ever heard of ‘Dr. Sebi’?  Yeah, neither did I until recently.  A horrible herbalist from Honduras who used the power of books, YouTube, podcasts, and Facebook  to create an empire of wrong information about health and medicine while promulgating a conspiracy theory that his ideas were being restricted due to his ‘finding the truth’.  He lied and people died and this is going on until today).

No one can convince these people to get vaccinated and it is a waste of time to try.  These people find it amusing to engage me in a ‘debate’ about whether they should get vaccinated and it is just a waste of my time to bother.  I hope that they all get their wish and catch COVID-19 and die just to spare us all of their inane arguments.

The ‘best’ argument I have heard is that they want to know everything about the vaccine and what is in it.  Nothing will convince them to get the vaccine but they expect everyone who suggests that they get the vaccine to be an expert on vaccines and their components (but even if it was Dr. Fauci himself answering their questions they will not be ‘convinced’ and will just have more questions).  They believe that the failure of a pro-vaccine person to be able to answer every bit of minutiae about vaccine and the production is “proof’ of an inadequacy about he vaccine itself  This is a form of racism in that my failure to be an expert in a field that I am only peripherally involved in is proof that the whole field is wrong just like every Black person not being an expert on all things “Black’ means that the whole race is wrong.

Do you want more proof of racism?  Most likely they have been informed that they should ask lots of questions about the vaccine and let no answer be enough to convince them.  They ask questions just to confound pro-vaccine people.  The messages that the people telling them to ask these never-ending questions are either people who hate them and their race (conservative white people or Black people who harbor a hate for their own race) or conspiracy theorists who see mysteries in ever part of their daily lives (the ‘tin hat crowd’).

I am not asking people to get the vaccine to help me; I am already vaccinated.  If you want to catch COVID-19 and leave your kids orphans or to be raised by someone who cannot love them like you do then be my guest.  What you should know is this: you make me tired.

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