Older Women, Younger Men Most Apt to Struggle With BP Control

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Older Women, Younger Men Most Apt to Struggle With BP Control

Women 70 years and older and men aged 20 to 49 years with hypertension are more likely to have uncontrolled blood pressure (BP) despite taking BP-lowering medications, according to a new study.

“All of the participants are taking prescription antihypertensive medications and all have diagnosed hypertension so there’s no reason for them to have uncontrolled hypertension,” said study author Aayush Visaria, MD, MPH, with Rutgers Institute for Health, Health Care Policy and Aging Research in New Brunswick, New Jersey.

The findings suggest that women aged 70 and older and men younger than age 50 should be more closely monitored for uncontrolled hypertension even if they are being treated, Visaria said.

He presented the study September 29 at the American Heart Association (AHA) Hypertension Scientific Sessions 2021. 

American Heart Association Hypertension Scientific Sessions 2021. Presentation 54. Presented September 29, 2021.

via Blogger https://bit.ly/3A84Sbq