Athletic Kids Become Smart Kids 07105

Athletic Kids Become Smart Kids

A study in Journal of Clinical Medicine has found that not only do smart kids become great athletes, but becoming an athlete improves brain power and quality of life in kids from elementary through high school.

Researchers looked at 3,285 girls and 3,248 boys to assess the relationship between physical fitness, their ability to concentrate and health-related quality of life. They found that the better the kids’ cardiopulmonary fitness (that’s heart and lungs), the better their ability to concentrate, the stronger their memory and greater their sense of well-being. The researchers also saw that kids with high levels of physical fitness were more likely to qualify to attend academically rigorous schools as they became older.

Most U.S. kids don’t get the minimum amount of physical activity recommended (an hour a day that includes vigorous effort). Mom and Dad, it’s time to help your children become more active, so they can achieve their potential academically, physically and emotionally. Start a “Morning Moves” routine with yoga stretches before breakfast or take a longer walking route to the bus stop. Plan for after-school intermural games/sports and playtime. 

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