Women’s Rights Are Human Rights

safety-lane.com 07105

Women’s Rights Are Human Rights

That is it.  

I have nothing to add.  

I just want to make it clear that when you support the things that we typically apply as rights exclusive to women we are really just taking care of our own community for both men and women.

Find one thing being campaigned about that we are either advocating or demanding for women and see if they are also not applicable to men as well.

Maternity leave? Men need leave time to bond with their baby and to give support to their wives or girlfriends.

Paid daycare?  How else can people work if there is no one to take care of their children while they are away from the home?

Universal healthcare / Single payer: we are the ONLY developed country that does not take care of its citizens with a guaranteed access to medical care.  The only one.  

Single payor is not about access to birth control and feminine hygiene, no matter how much those highly-paid talking head FOX NEWS personalities say it is.

I can’t stress this enough: when you take care of the health of your neighbor you protect yourself.

via Blogger https://bit.ly/3vYxhSt