Double your high blood pressure protection with a two-arm check (Roizon Article) 07105

Double your high blood pressure protection with a two-arm check

By Michael Roizen, M.D. on 

According to researchers from the University of Exeter who analyzed data from 53,172 participants in 23 studies worldwide, if you take a blood pressure reading from both arms and accept the higher reading as the correct one, then 12.4% of folks’ systolic blood pressure (top number) will change from below to above 130 mmHg, and 11.9% will see it move from below to above 140 mmHg. That places them solidly into the high blood pressure zone. And when that is identified, it means they can work to lower their blood pressure through lifestyle changes and by taking medication, reducing their risk of heart attack, stroke and dementia. (Your goal for healthiest blood pressure is 115/76.)

Next time you have a doctor appointment, ask for a two-arm blood pressure reading. If it is high, act ASAP to get it under control. There are a multitude of antihypertensive medications to try. If one doesn’t work, try another. Also, start walking 10,000 steps a day or the equivalent; do strength-building exercises; manage stress; and eliminate red and processed meats, added sugars and other processed foods from your diet. That will go a long way toward bringing it down to a healthy level. You’ll be glad you punched it out!

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