Tooth Decay from Changes in Diet (Dear Abby) 07105

Tooth Decay from Changes in Diet (Dear Abby)

DEAR ABBY: I’ve been a dental assistant for more than 20 years, and I’d like to share an observation with your readers. Over the years, we’ve seen many patients who diligently take care of their oral hygiene. Then, suddenly, we notice decay both clinically and on X-rays — after years of no decay. We ask them, “Are you taking a new medication that’s causing dry mouth? Have you started drinking some different beverage? Have you been eating more sweets?” More often than not, they tell us nothing’s changed. 

The problem often is sugar where they don’t expect it — in fiber supplements, meal replacement shakes, gummy vitamins, chewable antacids, vitamin water, etc. Many of these items contain a surprising amount of sugar. Please encourage your readers to read the nutrition labels of their supplements . It could save their teeth. — ANTI-DECAY IN DALLAS 

DEAR ANTI-DECAY: Thank you very much for educating my readers and me. This is something I had never considered, and I’ll bet many of them haven’t either. Your letter is an important one, and I hope they will heed it as I plan to. 

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