1 in 5 Diabetes Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19 Die in 28 Days

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1 in 5 Diabetes Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19 Die in 28 Days

Although half of patients with diabetes hospitalized with COVID-19 will be discharged from hospital within a month of admission, a fifth will have died, suggest the latest results from the French CORONADO study.

The investigation, initiated during the first wave of the pandemic, has already accumulated a large amount of data, with early findings published in May 2020 suggesting 10.6% of patients with type 2 diabetes and COVID-19 and 5.6% of those with type 1 diabetes and COVID-19 died within 7 days of hospital admission.

The current outcomes at 28 days were presented at a press conference held by the Francophone Foundation for Diabetes Research (FFRD) on February 3, and were just published in Diabetologia.

Among the risk factors that boded poorly, advancing age was the most important. This was followed by a history of microvascular complications, particularly kidney and eye damage, dyspnea on admission, and inflammatory markers (white blood cell count, raised C-reactive protein, and elevated aspartate transaminase).

Among the positive risk factors, researchers identified routine treatment with metformin and a history of COVID-19 symptoms before hospitalization.

Diabetologia. Published online February 18, 2021. Abstract

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