Posts By: chirolane

Fewer gallbladder surgeries with Mediterranean diets 07105 NEWARK Fewer gallbladder surgeries with Mediterranean diets Eating foods high in fiber, such as those found in a Mediterranean diet, was tied to a lower risk of gallbladder surgery in a recent French study. Compared to people who didn’t follow a Mediterranean diet pattern, those who adhered to it most closely had… Read more »

Increased Sugar During Pregnancy = Increased Allergies in Babies 07105 NEWARK Increased Sugar During Pregnancy = Increased Allergies in Babies Researchers found that children whose mothers consumed 16 to 69 teaspoons of sugar a day were over two times more likely to develop allergic asthma (triggered by an allergic reaction to pollen, mold and other airborne irritants) as a child whose mom… Read more »

Gum Disease and Increased Link to Many Cancers 07105 NEWARK Gum Disease and Increased Link to Many Cancers Brushing, flossing, and regular dental checkups appear to do much more than maintain a healthy smile. Now, a large prospective cohort study shows that postmenopausal women with a history of periodontal disease, including those who have never smoked, are at significantly increased overall… Read more »

Higher Sugar Intake Linked to Depression in Men 07105 NEWARK Higher Sugar Intake Linked to Depression in Men Men who have more than 67g of sugar per day – about the amount found in two cans of cola – could be increasing their risk of common mood disorders by 23% after 5 years, compared to those with consume less sugar, researchers say. A study… Read more »

We need “green spaces” to live longer 07105 NEWARK We need “green spaces” to live longer Finally a study that says what I have been saying for years – we need green space in our lives.. Humans may be “hard-wired” to respond to open spaces, the color green and quiet. The impact of green space (parks, gardens, etc.) in our… Read more »

High-Intensity Training Improves Pain 07105 NEWARK High-Intensity Training Improves Pain There are many ways to address painful muscles. The correct choice depends on what is specifically causing the pain. While drugs are often considered first, high-intensity strength training can be more effective at addressing the pain and increasing strength. One recent study “demonstrated that high-intensity strength training… Read more »

Two More Conditions That Respond Well To Increased Vitamin D 07105 NEWARK Two More Conditions That Respond Well To Increased Vitamin D Reducing your risk of coronary artery disease (CAD) is now added to the long list of benefits from having sufficient Vitamin D in your body. A recent study concluded that “Vitamin D deficiency is significantly associated with the prevalence and extent… Read more »

Dr. Oz article: Hair Dye Linked to Breast Cancer 07105 NEWARK Hair Dye Linked to Breast Cancer Did you know Kristen Stewart, star of the “Twilight” series, famous for her raven locks, actually has strawberry-blond hair? Scarlett Johansson, who we’re guessing you know as a blonde, is a natural brunette. And Katie Perry? Also originally blonde. How about your hair? If you can’t… Read more »

Dr. Lane’s Thought VIII 07105 NEWARK 1) The United States has been inflicted with an idiot for a president.  He may be the worst president in our history but I reserve judgement since I am not as familiar with ALL the presidents and their impact on their era. You have to feel either pity for the educated… Read more »

One Third of Dementia May Be Preventable With Lifestyle Change 07105 NEWARK One Third of Dementia May Be Preventable With Lifestyle Change More than one third of global dementia cases may be preventable by addressing nine lifestyle factors that affect an individual’s risk, according to the findings of a new comprehensive report from The Lancet Commission on Dementia Prevention, Intervention, and Care. The… Read more »