Dr. Lane’s Thoughts LXXVI

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Dr. Lane’s Thoughts LXXVI

1) I hope that DJT does not get elected.  He is just a horror show on two legs and an embarrassment to the American people.

a) He now has his daughter-in-law in charge of the GOP where they are draining the coffers of the party to pay DJT legal bills using the argument that Trump is the Republican Party – the whole thing!  They say that there is no party without him!  This leaves no money for other Republican races to support other candidates.  If he loses the Presidential election he will not replace the money and yet more money will need to be raised for those people.

If those other candidates for those other races across America are lost he will state that it wasn’t the money that the GOP could not provide but because he did not endorse them.

b) Even if he loses, he will not stop campaigning because shouting out to his followers is the only thing he can use to keep money coming in.  He has failed at everything else he has done and these failures will increase if he is being watched to do things legally.

c) He will probably try to start his own political party if the Republicans turn their backs on him for losing the Presidency.  This will make it even harder for GOP candidates to win elections.  Mostly, though, it will drain money away from people to fund his life.

d) Eventually, his ersatz woman wife will leave him once his son, Barron, turns 21 (or earlier) and he will make himself even look stupider by renouncing her and chasing models 25-35 years old.

e) The worst thing will be that his ‘Old Guard’ loyal political operatives who don’t end up in jail will (because they are old) die off.  The people he replaces them with will be much worse – simply because he was their only source of news and they have no standards to judge him with – and these people will need to be watched carefully because actual criminal behavior is in their tool bag since they emulate his peculiar idea of legality.

f) Once Trump is off the mainstream political stage many of his followers will realize what he is and what he was .  Besides the standard books that will be written, many of the people will use words about why he favored by them and what they felt as his follower that will be almost identical to what Germans said after Hitler fell.  There will be great remorse and shame noted.

2)  The story of my dog, Leo #4.

He wasn’t supposed to become my dog.  My wife and I had decided to get a small dog to appease my daughters who were fed up with not getting a mammal in the house.  The truth was that I wanted a dog because I had dogs growing up – if you haven’t figured it out, they were each named Leo and after the first one, they had numbers.  We developed a strategy of naming them all Leo for our limited imagination but also to honor the dog he was replacing.  None of the dogs have ever been related – just Shephard mixes up until Leo #4 who is an actual breed – a Shih Tzu.

Our first dog came from a woman who bred Shih Tzus two streets over from us.  My wife knew her from living in that neighborhood 20 years.  The girls (my 2 daughters) wanted to name him TIMMY who was a bad sign to me since I only named my dogs LEO.  Anyone who has kids knows that you do what the kids want so we had TIMMY.  He was good but neurotic and his problems became apparent pretty soon.  After 6 months of chewing things and pooping inappropriately we were lucky and a woman bought him from us for what we paid for him: $500.

I was done with small dogs; especially dogs from this lady and Shih Tzus.  I obviously wasn’t a small dog guy.  Give me a 55 pound mixed breed and I could do anything but an actual breed (much less a Shih Tzu) and I was hopeless.  The woman who bought TIMMY didn’t want the dog equipment so I now had dog stuff and no dog.

To say my girls were unhappy was an understatement.  I was firm with my decision but they were sad.  

Four months later my wife same home to tell me that the same lady had one puppy left from a new litter and she would sell it for $100 less, or $400.  he was the runt and not desirable.

Just for your information, I am no fool.  There was no way I was getting another Shih Tzu and, especially, from this woman!  I knew how to end this conversation with my wife:

“Sorry honey, I only have $200”, I told her.  This discussion was going to die here – no money meant no dog, right?

My wife replied, but I also have $200″, she replied.

25 minutes later we had a new puppy.  This was going to be a mistake, I thought.

He dragged his feet.  “Oh great, I thought, a crippled puppy”.

He cried for his momma.  He wouldn’t sleep.  I was regretting this already.

We decided to put him in a blue storage container with a blanket and keep him near us.

My daughter told me to use an app to relax him, RELAX YOUR DOG it was called.

I downloaded the app and played the sounds. They were soft classical music.  What kind of garbage was this?!?

Except it worked.  He asleep in minutes.

The next day I called my daughter to tell her of my success.

“RELAX YOUR DOG”, she said to me, |That’s not the name.  It’s called “RELAX MY DOG”.  

Wrong app but it worked.

As it is, Leo #4 never got to the full size of a Shih Tzu, which is about 12 pounds.  He reached 7.2 pounds and stopped.

He soon allowed us to be his parents and has spent the last 5 years loving us and learning many tricks.  

My wife, who grew up in Colombia soon became comfortable with a dog in the house.  In her country, dogs lived in the back yard.

Leo doesn’t bark much; exclusively he barks when people come to the door.  We call him DOGBELL.

He loves to climb to the top of a chair and sit there, his perch on the world to see everything.  He goes to bed every night at 11 PM without putting up a fight – he has a separate bed for his night sleep and a different bed in the living room (hidden under a coffee table) for his day resting when he isn’t lounging on a chair.

Having a beautiful friendly dog is very much like having  beautiful daughters.  I am used to both of these phenomenon.  It brings a lot of attention to you.  If you are introverted you had better get comfortable fast with all the attention.  

Leo approaches people and people approach Leo.  They pick him up and he kisses them.  Then, immediately, he expects you to rub his tummy!

So now I am no longer a ‘big dog’ guy.  I am now a ‘small, cute dog’ guy.  If all things go well, I will be the rest of Leo’s 15 year lifespan.  Now, we are in year 5.

BTW, I just read an article about dogs.  It seems that if you howl with your dog and he participates enthusiastically he is closer to his wolf ancestors than dogs who do not know what to do if you start howling.

I was used to doing this with my previous dogs (German Shephard mixes) but just assumed that all dogs would do that.  The article mentioned specifically that Shih Tzus and really good at howling; this is something I have known for years with Leo #4.  He howls nonstop if you initiate the howl!  He loves howling with me and the family!

3) I often see relationships where there is one person who pursues artistic endeavors or single-minded personal or public campaigns to change the world or just their own world.  This person has a great deal of free time and a comfortable source of income from another person.

The other person works the long hours or in some way earns the majority of the money in the home.  This money allows the other person the ability to spend their life expresses themselves.

The one making money rarely has the time to express themselves in an artistic fashion because earning an income that supports two people (or more).  These hours spent leave very little time to do anything else, often being energy-draining and  oftentimes resulting in additional time spent in gaining more knowledge or backoffice tasks that cannot be done during working hours.

One person expresses and the other person pays.

4)  This blog is the place for painful truths:

Honesty is never rewarded and is often punished.

My daughter insisted on filling out her own FAFSA form for college.  She now has to pay the full price for tuition at Rutgers University in NJ.

If honesty was so useful and important we would not need lawyers and tax preparation experts.  Nobody expects the truth on government documents like the FAFSA.

Being angry at me will not get the rest of my family what they want.  Save your tears and emotions to individual relationships.  Dishonesty is rewarded.

This is why 17 year olds do not fill out FAFSA forms.  

Also, why is someone who is not old enough to represent themselves legally or even vote allowed to put themselves into debt for $20K?

If honesty and truth was rewarded then people with mental deficiencies would be handsomely rewarded.  Instead, the people who do the best are the creeps and the criminals, legal or otherwise, whether they are caught or punished is another standard.

Truth about me: I am a twin.  When I applied to colleges my single widowed mother of 6 kids sent in 2 FAFSA applications with identical information about herself and my twin and me.


My application went to the private school Syracuse University; my brother’s application went to a state school SUNY Albany.

SUNY Albany gave my brother an EOP scholarship for 4 years (Equal Opportunity Program) and he paid nothing because we were poor.

Syracuse decided that we were rich and I had to pay the full price for that school for 4 years.

 – note: nothing in the middle in those tuitions – he paid NOTHING, and I paid EVERYTHING.

Later on, I filled out my own applications for school for my next 3 degrees.  I only paid for my medical degree at University of Bridgeport.  The other degrees were 100% free. I lied on every one of those applications about my financial status and I paid nothing.

I tried to explain to my family that a FAFSA is put through a computer that defaults to 2 parents = this person will pay 100% of the tuition.  Leave one parent off the application and they will look at the student individually; otherwise you  automatically pay 100%.

Sorry but if honesty was valued my daughter would be given merit scholarships and foundational grants.  Instead, she is paying 100% to go in-state to Rutgers.

5) One study published in the journal Circulation suggests that sticking to these five behaviors could extend a woman’s life at age 50 by 14 years, and a man’s by 12 years. They are: 

  • Don’t smoke.
  • Keep a healthy weight.
  • Get regular physical activity (30 minutes a day in this study).
  • Consume a healthy diet.
  • Drink alcohol moderately, if at all.

6) Mark Twain once said something that rings in my head a great deal of the time: If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man.

7) Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor souls who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the grey twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.”

~ Theodore Roosevelt

8)  My daughter is graduating from high school.  I am so proud of her! [Nevertheless, I am somewhat perplexed by how much celebrating is going on for an event that would have occurred whether we all celebrated it or we didn’t.  You have to graduate HS at some point so what is the actual achievement here?].

Someday I know I will be sad because all the absolutely gorgeous girls friends she has and the tall handsome boy that are always around her will be older and less confident as to what happened to them.

Now, they are confident and are doubtless that the world and life will return to them the enthusiasm and strength of conviction that they intend to give over the next 10 years.

I am an adult and I know that things can go down, fail, and ruin your confidence in a heartbeat.  You push to achieve and an equal force pushes back to ruin your desire to achieve.  People will intentionally get in your way.  You will be the 51st person for a group that can take no more than 50, your grade will be 1 point less than an ‘A’, the person you need to impress just doesn’t like you, cars break down at the wrong moment, ‘friends’ find ways to stab you in the back, someone  takes away your momentum by hurting your heart (or lovebombs you when you can’t be thinking about that), and all the things that distracts you from your goals.

They may get most of the way to their goal and fall out of love with the final product (medicine, finance, teaching).

I am sad now for the young people in front of me now with shiny eyes and hearts full of hope who I will see again with the eyes dimmed and their hearts made heavy.

I  want to protect all of them (but especially my daughter who is brighter and more beautiful than any goddess that has ever walked the earth).  I want to tell them all, “this wreck of a man was once you and if he can get to this point of success so can you with all that you have which is far more than he had.”  

We all know that would be worse.  While the message is a good one the resulting response will only be worse. “If you could do so much with so little then why can’t I do more with so much more to assist me?”  Like I said, much worse.

9) My brother has been diagnosed with Lymphoma – a cancer of the lymph system.  He caught the disease as it was beginning to affect him.  He is lucky in many ways including that he has an apartment close to a World-class Cancer center named ROSWELL PARK CANCER INSTITUTE.

interesting note: Roswell Park does is not named after a park.  Dr. Roswell Park was a famous doctor who was one of the doctors that tried to save William McKinley when he was shot in 1901 (at a spot 500 feet behind the house I grew up in).  The death of McKinley brought Theodore Roosevelt into the White House.

My brother told me that he has a 70% chance of a complete cure!  Amazing.

The Roswell Park Cancer Institute is where my father died of leukemia 60 years ago.

10) A university education does not give you a means to make money insomuch as it gives you a place to think out ideas and learn new ones.  It teaches you how to articulate those ideas you have in your head so that other people can understand you. 

Perhaps someone will pay you to use that education to clearly inform others things that are worth money to the employer.

Understanding the world teaches you only two things: (1) that you do not know everything, and (2) there is so much more to learn.

People who talk in absolutes and people who make it clear that they know the answer are wrong.  Knowing the only right answer is true only in the field of math.  All other fields are open to interpretations and new information.

Surprisingly, this lack of exactitude makes studying any subject interesting and provocative; if for no other reason than the certainty that the student may someday be the instructor and bring change to the subject.

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