Dr. Lane’s Thoughts XXXXIV

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Dr. Lane’s Thoughts XXXXIV

1) It was interesting for me to read that being undereducated is predictive of vaccine hesitancy.  It would seem that putting the decision about vaccinations into the hands of people who do not read well or do not understand the words and terms used routinely by the medical community while simultaneously allowing them to be bombarded with false information and misinformation from their favored arenas of information (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and their own family members) has allowed them to make decisions that are counterintuitive to their own health and the the health of the people around them.

The vaccines that they already have were largely given to them in their infancy by their parents.  I have to believe that if many of these people were given a choice about ALL OF THEIR VACCINES they would choose not to have any.  Given a choice about anything people do tend to avoid the unpleasant with the expectation that ‘things will be ok’ until they are sick or dying of conditions that were preventable with a vaccine or just logical caution.

We have emergency departments that are filled with people who refused to take a proactive approach by vaccinating and are now possibly going to die.

2) So many people have negative opinions about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a young and highly-intelligent woman in Congress.  She is possibly the best-looking member of congress and her statement that many members of Congress may be frustrated that they cannot date her may be true.

What I do know is that she is usually right about what she is saying about all the issues she raises, she does her research about the many attributes of the legislation she supports, and she has to tolerate a lot of stupid shit from many of the old men and women that surround her in Congress based on her youth, intelligence, and good looks.

I wish her the best in her efforts to make the United States a better place.

3) There is a steady thread (is that a term?) in my office from some of my DOT patients that if they pay me I will give them a coveted medical card for the two-year maximum no matter how unwell they are.

Not true.  You have to meet the government criteria that I oversee to get this card.  The anger by some people is almost palpable when I shatter their expectations by informing them that they need glasses or to decrease their blood pressure or some of the other issues that they present with that stymie their ability to get the medical card in one visit (or at all).

My office is NOT “you pay and you get a card” – you have to meet the standards that the US Congress has set and administers through the FMCSA (as an aside, the people at the FMCSA are some of the nicest people you will ever speak to in the US government.  They have never failed to impress me in the 10+ years I have dealt with them).

Even with the standards that we uphold strictly my office is very popular with the DOT holders (people with an A, B, or C class license).  We also are very reasonable with accommodating the drivers and we even give a gift bag!  If you need time to meet a criteria (for example, your blood pressure is 150/100 but I need it at 140/90 or less) I will allow you to seek a doctor or take your medicine and return and I do not charge you for a second visit to finish up the first one).

The best part is helping the people who become more proficient in taking care of their health and will probably live longer because of it.  We often discover conditions before their regular doctors (if they even have a doctor) and add years to their lives!

My approach to this job has made me very financially sound and I can support a wife, a teenager, another daughter/ young woman, and (for a short time) a mother-in-law, not to mention my cute little dog, Leo #4.

Yes, you can do well by doing good.

4) If you feel that you need to talk about breaking up with someone or divorce or a separation then just do it.  If you think that this kind of ultimatum is now in the conversation then you have already considered it and the relationship is over.

Nobody talks about these solutions who hasn’t already gone through serious dialogues or a marriage/couples counselor, or turned the subject over in their mind a hundred times.

On the other hand, if these solutions have just dropped out of your mouth or the mouth of your partner without prior consideration then all I can say is “fuck you asshole.  You are obviously not old enough or mature enough to be in a relationship”.

The idea of offering divorce or breaking up to your partner is the equivalent of bring a loaded gun to a discussion about a neighbor’s dog or your concern about overdraft fees – way too much of a response to something that can be settled easily with words.

5) The
COVID-19 vaccine drive was exactly what the Trump version of the Republican
Party wanted because it allowed him to spread FUD, 
Typical misinformation, or FUD  (fear, uncertainty, and doubt),
often permeates the collective means of information during disasters such as
the one in the United States.  People lied and people died and all to prop
up a horrible human being and his fragile ego.

Donald Trump is gone (for
now), but the very worst vestiges of him continue to drive the Republican
Party: rage, grievance, and an obsession with the idea that others are getting
something you’re entitled to; specifically white men who feel that the world is working against them and in favor of all the typically underrepresented and marginalized people: women, black and brown people, and the people these same white men were comfortable being ‘better than’. This kind of “Rage farming” is the product of a perfect storm of
awful adult behavior, an unholy mélange of algorithms and anxiety. And the social platforms
that are making all this possible? They’ll take the engagement wherever they
can get it: Facebook, FOXNews, Joe Rogan, and those odd members of Congress and their acolytes: Rudy
Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Mike Lindell (“The Pillow Guy”), and the many members of the Neo-Nazi, and other “patriots” who fashion themselves as the new face of an America afraid of anyone who would dare usurp their previous powerful and unmovable position.

6) Find something that you are great at or a profession that you excel at and make it your life’s work.  Find a means by which you surpass all others.

I have done that with doing DOT medical exams for CDL holders.

Everyday I  am told that I am the best and the fastest examiners in NJ.  Everyday I get my ego stroked and my self-esteem reinforced.

It is a feeling that I want everyone to receive so take my words to heart and be the best at something.

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