Getting to the core of the matter 07105

Getting to the core of the matter (Roizon article)

People who pump iron often brag about their super-defined abs. But for most folks, having a strong core is more about improving their quality of life, banishing inflammatory belly fat, and protecting themselves from falls, back pain, and incontinence. Yes, those are the positive results that come from strengthening your core. You can achieve them with a combination of easy-to-do activities.

Your core is made up of a group of muscles that control the motion of your pelvis, spine, and upper body. They also impact your legs and butt, as well as pelvic-floor muscles that can affect urination, defecation, and orgasm. So how do you strengthen your core?

Step 1: You want to become aware of your core muscles. You can do that by squeezing in your belly and tightening your glutes — don’t overdo it. Breathe out as you contract.

Step 2: Walk. It continuously engages your core muscles and you can increase that by consciously pulling your shoulders back, holding your head high, and contracting your stomach muscles with each step.

Step 3: Do core exercises using yoga, modified planks and crunches, and other floor-based exercises, including ones that engage your oblique (side) muscles. Balance exercises also engage your core.

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