Untreated adult ADHD and dementia (Roizon article)

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Untreated adult ADHD and dementia 

It’s estimated that 10 million U.S. adults contend with ADHD — and many are undiagnosed and do not know that it’s a contributing factor in their work and relationship problems, depression and frustration, according to CHADD — Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.

That’s why a new study linking untreated ADHD in adults with a significant risk for dementia is so important. In the journal JAMA Network Open, researchers report that having untreated adult ADHD is associated with almost double the risk of developing dementia. Looking at data on around 109,000 Israelis born between 1933 and 1952 and followed from 2003 to 2020, they found that 7% of those without ADHD were diagnosed with dementia, but 13% of those with ADHD were.

The good news is that among participants with adult ADHD who were taking psychostimulant medication, there was no clear increase in their risk for dementia.

So, if you find that you are often distracted, impatient, unfocused, and have persistent difficulties at work or with your family and friends, go for an evaluation. Step 1: Get a referral from your primary care physician to a qualified professional with experience performing adult evaluations for ADHD. This can take time because ADHD specialists are overbooked, so be patient and persistent. Attending a meeting of an ADHD support group may also provide info on medical professionals in your area who are good to see. It will all ADD up to a brighter, brainier future.

via Blogger https://bit.ly/3QMWf06