Posts By: chirolane

Spinal manipulation can help ease low back pain 07105 NEWARK Spinal manipulation can help ease low back pain Spinal manipulation therapy isn’t routinely recommended as the initial treatment for low back pain, but a research review suggests this approach may work as well as interventions that doctors typically prescribe first. Based on data from 47 previously conducted trials involving a total… Read more »

Psychosis in teens may be linked to air pollution 07105 NEWARK Psychosis in teens may be linked to air pollution An unexpected danger of urban life: Psychotic experiences are more common among teens exposed to the highest levels of nitrogen dioxide and other forms of air pollution, according to a new study. Nitrogen oxides, including nitrogen dioxide, are tailpipe pollutants, entering the… Read more »

Chiropractic Care Tied to Significant Reduction in Opioid Scripts 07105 NEWARK Chiropractic Care Tied to Significant Reduction in Opioid Scripts DENVER — Chiropractic care for musculoskeletal pain is associated with a significant reduction in opioid prescriptions compared with non-chiropractic care in this patient population, new research suggests. In a new meta-analysis and systematic review, patients who visited a chiropractor for a musculoskeletal… Read more »

Chiropractic Patients Treated for Chronic Low Back and Neck Pain Use Less Narcotics 07105 NEWARK Chiropractic Patients Treated for Chronic Low Back and Neck Pain Use Less Narcotics Subjects with chronic neck pain and/or chronic low back pain tended to have a high satisfaction rate and demonstrated a low use of pain medications. ————– This is an interesting study and you should read the entire text… Read more »

Sugary drinks linked to higher risk of premature death, especially for women, study says 07105 NEWARK Sugary drinks linked to higher risk of premature death, especially for women, study says Frequent consumption of sugary drinks such as sodas, sports drinks and juice is linked to an increased risk of premature death from cardiovascular disease and, to a lesser extent, from cancer, according to new research. Compared with… Read more »

Secondhand Smoke Exposure Tied to Kidney Disease 07105 NEWARK Secondhand Smoke Exposure Tied to Kidney Disease Exposure to secondhand smoke increases the risk for chronic kidney disease, a new study has found. Korean researchers studied 131,196 nonsmokers, dividing them into three groups: those who had more than three days a week of exposure to secondhand smoke; those who had less… Read more »

5 signs of nutrient deficiency you can identify in the mirror 07105 NEWARK 5 signs of nutrient deficiency you can identify in the mirror A long, hard look at yourself in the mirror may be good for your health. Staring closely at yourself in the mirror may seem vain, but it could be good for your health. It is believed that physical signs and… Read more »

Statins Up Type 2 Diabetes Risk, Overweight at Greatest Risk 07105 NEWARK Statins Up Type 2 Diabetes Risk, Overweight at Greatest Risk Further evidence that statin use increases the risk for the development of type 2 diabetes has been published, with the work showing that the risk is particularly high in people who are overweight, obese, or have prediabetes. Findings from the prospective, population-based study were published… Read more »

The Humble Push-up is A Good Indicator of Heart Health 07105 NEWARK The Humble Push-up is A Good Indicator of Heart Health The benefits of pushups have been confirmed by a study in JAMA Open Network. Researchers found that pushup ability directly correlates with resistance to heart disease. They looked at more than 1,100 Indiana firefighters for 10 years and found that guys… Read more »

Intermittent Fasting Lowers Triglycerides More Than Regular Diet 07105 NEWARK Intermittent Fasting Lowers Triglycerides More Than Regular Diet A small, new study on intermittent fasting, as in the 5:2 diet, showed that this approach reduced triglyceride levels by 40% after meals, compared with a conventional, daily calorie-restricted diet in healthy but overweight/obese individuals. Presenting her work here at the Diabetes UK Professional… Read more »