Posts By: chirolane

Pot-smokers may have healthier sperm 07105 NEWARK Pot-smokers may have healthier sperm Men who have smoked marijuana may be more fertile than those who’ve never touched a joint, new data suggest, surprising researchers who had expected the opposite. Men who smoked more than two joints in their lifetime had a significantly higher sperm concentration than those who had… Read more »

Great results from short-term weight training 07105 NEWARK Great results from short-term weight training Actor/comedian Alec Baldwin started a strict weight-loss plan after learning he was prediabetic. With the help of his wife, Hilaria, Baldwin cut out most sugar and started a daily exercise regimen that included spin classes and Pilates. He also took up weight-bearing exercise — by… Read more »

Eating More Whole Grains Tied to Lower Liver Cancer Risk 07105 NEWARK Eating More Whole Grains Tied to Lower Liver Cancer Risk Foods include whole-grain bread, breakfast cereal, cooked oatmeal, quinoa, and brown rice Higher intake of whole grains and possibly cereal fiber and bran may be associated with reduced risk of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) among adults in the United States, according to a large… Read more »

Carpal Tunnel: Effective Treatment 07105 NEWARK Carpal Tunnel: Effective Treatment Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., D.A.C.B.N., M.S. Just recently I had the opportunity to consult with a patient by the name of Andrea who was suffering with carpal tunnel syndrome. Andrea was a 47 year women who was employed as an executive secretary for a Fortune 500 company. … Read more »

Dr. Lane’s Thoughts XVI 07105 NEWARK 1) I just read this “Dear Abby” column: DEAR ABBY: How can I tactfully tell an elementary school teacher in whose class I assist that she uses poor grammar and words that aren’t words (i.e., I boughten this yesterday, or, Her and me went to the soccer game.)? I am fond of… Read more »

Interval Training May Be Best for Weight Loss 07105 NEWARK Interval Training May Be Best for Weight Loss Interval training may result in greater weight loss than continuous exercise, with sprint interval training (SIT) the most effective, say researchers, who say interval training also may be easier for obese and older individuals to perform. The findings of Ricardo Borges Viana, MSc,… Read more »

Drinking two or more diet beverages a day linked to high risk of stroke, heart attacks 07105 NEWARK Drinking two or more diet beverages a day linked to high risk of stroke, heart attacks More bad news for diet soda lovers: Drinking two or more of any kind of artificially sweetened drinks a day is linked to an increased risk of clot-based strokes, heart attacks and early death in… Read more »

What are the Real Risk Factors for Heart Attack and Stroke? 07105 NEWARK What are the Real Risk Factors for Heart Attack and Stroke? The following ten items are some of the most important clinical indicators that show you have a higher risk for heart attack and stroke. 1. Cardiac arrhythmia. This includes atrial fibrillation and other disruptions of the heart’s normal rhythm. 2…. Read more »

The Science Behind What You Should Eat for a Good Night’s Sleep 07105 NEWARK The Science Behind What You Should Eat for a Good Night’s Sleep Sleep has become widely recognized as playing a really important role in our overall health and wellness — alongside diet, stress management, and exercise. Recently, researchers have been learning more about how poor sleep influences our dietary choices, as… Read more »

Gut Bacteria Tied to Depression 07105 NEWARK Gut Bacteria Tied to Depression For the first time, a population-based study has shown a link between gut bacteria and mental health, providing the strongest support to date that microbiota can influence mood, investigators note. “The notion that microbial metabolites can interact with our brain — and thus behavior and feelings… Read more »