Posts By: chirolane

Secondhand Smoke Tied to Depression in Kids after 1 Year 07105 NEWARK Secondhand Smoke Tied to Depression in Kids after 1 Year Exposure to secondhand smoke (SHS) is linked to depressive symptoms in children and teens — at baseline and 1 year later, new research shows. Dr Karen Wilson A study of more than 1500 elementary school students in the Montreal, Canada area… Read more »

Gum disease linked to higher blood pressure 07105 NEWARK Gum disease linked to higher blood pressure Poor oral health makes it harder to for people with hypertension to manage their blood pressure, a new study suggests. Among people being treated for hypertension (high blood pressure), those with gum disease had average blood pressure readings 2 to 3 mmHg (milligrams of… Read more »

Lavender’s Antianxiety Effects Are Real 07105 NEWARK Lavender’s Antianxiety Effects Are Real The scent of lavender has long been thought to have calming, antianxiety effects, but the biological mechanism behind this phenomenon has been something of a mystery — until now. Researchers in Japan found that the vaporized lavender compound linalool triggers a relaxing effect by directly stimulating… Read more »

Simple Defense Against Diabetes 07105 NEWARK Simple Defense Against Diabetes You know that simple exercise (like walking) every day is important, as well as ridding your diet of added sugars and syrups, highly processed foods and red meats (especially processed red meats) are essential parts of your defense. But did you know that eating whole grains puts… Read more »

More Evidence Herpes Virus Strongly Tied to Alzheimer’s 07105 NEWARK More Evidence Herpes Virus Strongly Tied to Alzheimer’s Mounting research is helping to cement a proposed link between the herpes virus and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Dr Ruth Itzhaki The researcher who got the ball rolling nearly 30 years ago by first uncovering the herpes-AD relationship believes it’s time to investigate the… Read more »

Walk Your Way to Health! 07105 NEWARK Walk Your Way to Health! FROM THE AMERICAN CHIROPRACTIC ASSOCIATION October is National Chiropractic Health Month and there’s still plenty of time left to create an exercise routine and get moving! This month, the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) is encouraging people to move more, to #Move4Life. Staying active is an important part… Read more »

Immune-Based Treatment Helps Fight Aggressive Breast Cancer, Study Finds 07105 NEWARK Immune-Based Treatment Helps Fight Aggressive Breast Cancer, Study Finds Women with an aggressive type of breast cancer lived longer if they received immunotherapy plus chemotherapy, rather than chemo alone, a major study has found. The results are expected to change the standard of care for women like those in the clinical… Read more »

Cutting Carbs in Morning Equals Better Weight Loss, Waist Size 07105 NEWARK Cutting Carbs in Morning Equals Better Weight Loss, Waist Size BERLIN — Restricting carbohydrate in the morning, in addition to a low-calorie Mediterranean diet, led to improved weight and fat loss, lower body mass index (BMI), and a reduced waist circumference compared with the Mediterranean diet alone, shows a novel but… Read more »

Dr. Lane’s Thoughts XII 07105 NEWARK Dr. Lane’s Thoughts XII 1) Brett Kavanaugh – a man-boy so much a product of his culture that his “boyhood hi-jinks” sounds normal to the people he came from and now represents but henious to those of us outside of that sphere of money and entitlement.  A boy of privilige who… Read more »

Heavy drinkers and teetotalers alike may have heightened dementia risk 07105 NEWARK Heavy drinkers and teetotalers alike may have heightened dementia risk Middle-aged adults who avoid alcohol altogether, and those who consume the equivalent of seven glasses of wine or more a week are both more likely than light drinkers to develop dementia in their later years, a long-term study suggests. With heavy… Read more »