Posts By: chirolane

BEST DIETS: U.S. News and World Report 07105 NEWARK BEST DIETS: U.S. News and World Report The best overall diets include the Flexitarian diet, Weight Watchers, MIND diet, TLC diet and Volumetrics. The theme you can see here is that DASH and Mediterranean are the best diets overall! The Flexitarian diet is a mostly meatless plan that emphasizes plant-based foods…. Read more »

HCTZ – Common Blood Pressure Drug – Tied to Increased Risk of Skin Cancer 07105 NEWARK HCTZ – Common Blood Pressure Drug – Tied to Increased Risk of Skin Cancer People who take a certain diuretic prescribed to control fluid retention and treat high blood pressure may be more likely to get skin cancer than other individuals, a Danish study suggests. While the drug, hydrochlorothiazide, has long… Read more »

Want To Lower Your Blood Pressure By 20 Points? Try These Exercises 07105 NEWARK Want To Lower Your Blood Pressure By 20 Points? Try These Exercises Eli Ben-Yehuda– Want to know about an exercise that can lower blood pressure significantly? We’re talking as much as 10-20 mmHg. No, it’s not an endurance exercise. No, it’s not strength exercise. It’s actually an exercise you can do… Read more »

Obesity Can Come From Plastic Pollution 07105 NEWARK Obesity Can Come From Plastic Pollution A major cause of the obesity epidemic is the out of control level of phthalates or plasticizers which has flooded the human body. According to the U.S. government phthalates or plasticizers are the number one pollutants in the human body.  They are so widespread and to most folks unavoidable… Read more »

What is Dr. Mehmet Oz’s Problem With Chiropractic? 07105 NEWARK I recently read this short article by Dr. Mehmet Oz and his colleague, Dr. Mike Roizen: Over 80 percent of Americans contend with LBP at some point, often from arthritis, heavy use at work, doing sports, or following an accident. So what’s been the go-to solution? First a NSAID or other… Read more »

Red Meat = Too Many Diseases 07105 NEWARK Red Meat  = Too Many Diseases A new observational study could have the slogan, “You’ll be Dead if You’re Eating Red (Meat, That Is).” Researchers tracked more than 500,000 people, ages 50 to 71, over 16 years and found that the top 20 percent of red-meat eaters had a 26 percent higher… Read more »

How to Use Nuts to Increase Your Brain! 07105 NEWARK How to Use Nuts to Increase Your Brain! A new study shows that going [for] nuts also changes your brainwaves, but for the better. It seems nuts and peanuts (really a legume) strengthen brainwave frequencies that are associated with cognition, empathy, healing, learning, memory, recall and other important brain functions. The study… Read more »

After Sleeve Gastrectomy Alcohol Tolerance Decreases 07105 NEWARK After Sleeve Gastrectomy Alcohol Tolerance Decreases A new study reveals that after sleeve gastrectomy, women can become legally intoxicated if they consume half the number of drinks it takes for women who haven’t had the surgery to register as drunk. Two drinks have the effect of four or five! And this… Read more »

Balding, premature graying tied to higher heart disease risk 07105 NEWARK Balding, premature graying tied to higher heart disease risk Male-pattern baldness and premature greying are associated with a greater risk of heart disease before the age of 40 than obesity, according to a new study from India. Does this mean that doctors should be screening our hairline alongside traditional risk factors such as… Read more »

Living in Very Cold Climate and Increases Cancer Risk 07105 NEWARK Living in Very Cold Climate and Increases Cancer Risk Populations living in extremely cold or high-altitude environments have genes that boost survival but that also predispose individuals to cancer later in life, especially lung, breast, and colorectal cancer, according to researchers. Analysis of data from the GLOBOCAN-2012 survey of worldwide cancer… Read more »