Posts By: chirolane

Statin Treatment Linked to Fewer Cancer Deaths 07105chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK Statin Treatment Linked to Fewer Cancer Deaths Being treated for high cholesterol with statins is being linked with a reduced risk of death and better survival from four common cancers, a medical conference has heard. The results come from a study of 14 years of UK data that included nearly a million people…. Read more »

Teenage Weight a Predictor of Heart Disease Later 07105chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK Teenage Weight a Predictor of Heart Disease Later They’ve discovered a very important fact: How much you weigh as a teenager (they have records of 1,610,437 18-year-old males who were conscribed into military service between 1968 and 2005) is linked to your risk of heart failure in early middle age (around 47)!  If… Read more »

Difficulty Losing Fat? This May Be the Cause 07105 NEWARK Difficulty Losing Fat? This May Be the Cause Obesity has hit epidemic proportions and the world is desperate to do anything to lose their unwanted fat. Although eating a healthy diet and exercise is paramount to losing fat, there is one little unknown fact that will prevent millions of people… Read more »

Fiber seems it’s the key to aging successfully 07105 NEWARK Fiber seems it’s the key to aging successfully The researchers looked at the diet and health of 1,609 adults 49 and older to see who was aging successfully. They defined successful aging as absence of disease, depression, and cognitive and physical disability, and the presence of good social engagement and mental… Read more »

Drive to Build Muscle May Flag Mental Illness in Young Males 07105 NEWARK Drive to Build Muscle May Flag Mental Illness in Young Males Young men and male adolescents who express concerns over their muscularity and leanness may be at increased risk for depressive symptoms, as well as binge drinking and drug use, results of a large, prospective study indicate. Jerel P. Calzo, PhD,… Read more »

Physical Activity, Apart From Weight Loss, May Stop Diabetes 07105 NEWARK Physical Activity, Apart From Weight Loss, May Stop Diabetes NEW ORLEANS — A new analysis of data from the 3-year Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) and its 12-year extension, the DPP Outcomes Study (DPPOS), reports that physical activity, independent of weight loss, prevented diabetes in some individuals with prediabetes. Specifically, in this racially and geographically diverse… Read more »

How You Fight With Your Spouse May Affect Different Body Parts 07105 NEWARK How You Fight With Your Spouse May Affect Different Body Parts By  Gretchen Reynolds June 23, 2016 5:45 am June 23, 2016 5:45 am Emotions are known to influence health, especially when they are negative or intensely felt. Chronically angry, sad, frustrated or fearful people tend to become chronically unwell, though which emotions go… Read more »

Prenatal Tobacco or Cannabis Exposure May Affect Kids’ Brain Development 07105 NEWARK Prenatal Cannabis or Tobacco Exposure May Affect Kids’ Brain Development Prenatal exposure to cannabis is significantly associated with differences in cortical thickness, particularly in the frontal brain, in preadolescent children, a new structural MRI study shows. “The current study combined with the existing literature about the long-term consequences of prenatal cannabis… Read more »

Low Back Pain Study Results Favors CHIROPRACTIC 07105 NEWARK Low Back Pain Study Results Favors CHIROPRACTIC Patients undergoing chiropractic treatment for low back pain with 0-2 weeks of symptoms were shown to be more likely to “improve” at 1 week, 1 month, and 6 months of observation compared with those with 2-4 weeks of symptoms. These findings suggested that the… Read more »

Dietary Supplement May Prevent Cognitive Decline 07105 NEWARK Dietary Supplement May Prevent Cognitive Decline A dietary supplement containing ingredients commonly found in health food stores appears to prevent the decline in brain structure and function typically seen in Alzheimer’s disease, the results of an animal study indicate. In a mouse model of accelerated aging and severe cognitive decline, a… Read more »