Posts By: chirolane

A New Study Links Benadryl to Mental Health Problems / Dementia 07105 NEWARK A New Study Links Benadryl to Mental Health Problems / Dementia People take Benadryl for different reasons — to combat allergies or help them fall asleep, for example — but new research suggests that long-term use of the drug may be linked to serious mental health conditions. A 2016 study published… Read more »

Four in 10 American women now classified as obese 07105 NEWARK Four in 10 American women now classified as obese More than four in 10 American women are now classified as obese in an alarming new milestone for the nation. Obesity rates for men and women in the US had been roughly the same for about a decade. But in recent years,… Read more »

Standing Desks Overrated, New Evidence Shows 07105 NEWARK Standing Desks Overrated, New Evidence Shows Contrary to the enthusiastic reports in the media, standing at a desk burns only about 12% more energy than sitting, new research shows. “Short walks are going to give you the biggest bang for the buck,” Bethany Barone Gibbs, PhD, from the University of Pittsburgh,… Read more »

Opioid Analgesics Not Adequate for Chronic Back Pain 07105 NEWARK Opioid Analgesics Not Adequate for Chronic Back Pain Despite the prevailing public view, opioid medicines are not powerful analgesics for low back pain, according to a meta-analysis of 20 randomized controlled trials. The drugs are commonly prescribed for chronic low back pain, but the review finds that they give only modest… Read more »

Girls Knee Sports Injury-Prevention Program Shows Promise 07105 NEWARK Girls Knee Sports Injury-Prevention Program Shows Promise A short warm-up can reduce the risk for sports-related knee injuries in teenage girls, a new head-to-head trial shows. A program called FIFA 11+ was developed in response to a spiraling rate of anterior cruciate ligament tears in teenage girls by the Fédération Internationale de… Read more »

‘Strongest Evidence to Date’ Ties Maternal Smoking to Psychosis 07105 NEWARK ‘Strongest Evidence to Date’ Ties Maternal Smoking to Psychosis A Finnish study provides the most definitive evidence to date linking prenatal nicotine exposure to increased risk for schizophrenia in offspring, researchers say. Investigators found a 38% increased likelihood of schizophrenia in young adults whose mothers smoked heavily while pregnant, as evidenced… Read more »

The Roots of Psoriasis 07105 NEWARK The Roots of Psoriasis Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin condition that is characterized by itchy, scaly skin plaques. The exact cause of psoriasis is unknown; however, more and more evidence suggests that the immune system can be a culprit when it is chronically stimulated, causing an overproduction of cytokines, which maintains… Read more »

Vitamin Deficiency Linked to Stroke and Plaque Buildup in Carotid Arteries 07105 NEWARK Vitamin Deficiency Linked to Stroke and Plaque Buildup in Carotid Arteries A study published in the the Canadian Medical Association Journal revealed that people low in vitamin B12 had an increase risk of a fatal heart attack and stroke. The study focused on the relationship between homocysteine, B-12 and carotid artery… Read more »

Long-term Fitness Reduces Risk of Diabetes, Prediabetes 07105 NEWARK Long-term Fitness Reduces Risk of Diabetes, Prediabetes Higher levels of cardiorespiratory fitness maintained or increased from early adulthood to middle age significantly reduce an individual’s risk of developing prediabetes and diabetes, a new analysis of data from a long-term prospective study suggests. Crucially, Lisa S Chow, MD, from the division of… Read more »

Tai Chi May Be as Good as PT for Knee Arthritis Pain 07105 NEWARK Tai Chi May Be as Good as PT for Knee Arthritis Pain The first randomized head-to-head comparison of tai chi and conventional physical therapy (PT) in patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA) shows equally good pain relief with either intervention, researchers report in an article published online. May 17 in the Annals of Internal Medicine…. Read more »