Posts By: chirolane

Coffee Linked to 26% Drop in Colorectal Cancer Risk 07105 NEWARK Coffee Linked to 26% Drop in Colorectal Cancer Risk Regular coffee consumption is inversely correlated to colorectal cancer risk, according to results of a study published in the April issue of Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. Coffee has been proposed as a protective agent against colorectal cancer because several of its components affect the… Read more »

Intensive Glucose Control, Long-term Kidney Benefit in Diabetes 07105 NEWARK Intensive Glucose Control, Long-term Kidney Benefit in Diabetes Compared with patients with type 2 diabetes who received standard care, those who received 5 years of intensive glucose-lowering treatment were less likely to develop end-stage renal disease (ESRD) during a total of almost 10 years of follow-up, new research indicates. The study,… Read more »

Deadly Diabetes in ‘Unrelenting March’ 07105 NEWARK Deadly Diabetes in ‘Unrelenting March’ The world is facing an “unrelenting march” of diabetes which now affects nearly one in 11 adults, the World Health Organization (WHO) says. In a major report it warned cases had nearly quadrupled to 422 million in 2014 from 108 million in 1980. High blood sugar levels… Read more »

Researchers Find 3 New Ways To Prevent Heart Attack And Stroke 07105 NEWARK Researchers Find 3 New Ways To Prevent Heart Attack And Stroke Heart attack and stroke are leading causes of death in the U.S., despite many hours and dollars spent researching ways to prevent them. Now, a group of researchers led by Hamilton Health Sciences have come up with three relatively simple… Read more »

Study: Ejaculate More, Have Less Prostate Cancer Risk 07105 NEWARK Study: Ejaculate More, Have Less Prostate Cancer Risk A study on ejaculation and prostate cancer risk, which made a big splash at last year’s annual meeting of the American Urological Association (AUA), was published online March 29 European Urology. The publication provides greater detail on the main finding: that men might be able to lower… Read more »

Very Low-Calorie Diet May Trigger Type 2 Diabetes Remission 07105 NEWARK Very Low-Calorie Diet May Trigger Type 2 Diabetes Remission Type 2 diabetes is potentially reversible via an 8-week, very low-calorie diet followed by careful weight management for up to 6 months, new research shows. The findings were published online March 21, 2016 in Diabetes Care by Dr Sarah Steven of Newcastle University, United Kingdom, and… Read more »

Hyperactivity & Attention Deficit Disorder: Do We Have Options? 07105 NEWARK Hyperactivity & Attention Deficit Disorder: Do We Have Options? Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O.,D.A.C.B.N., MS Attention-deficit disorder affects a startling 17 million people and seems to be gaining ground every year. As a parent of child suffering with this disorder.. what are you to do?? Attention-deficit disorder is the most frequently diagnosed… Read more »

Bypass Surgery Is Better at Lowering Diabetes than Diet and Exercise 07105 NEWARK Bypass Surgery Is Better at Lowering Diabetes than Diet and Exercise Reuters Health – After one year, gastric bypass surgery did a better job of bringing type 2 diabetes into remission than an intensive diet and exercise regimen, according to results of a small trial among obese patients. Gastric bypass surgery… Read more »

Lower Blood Pressure: Surprising New Study 07105 NEWARK Lower Blood Pressure: Surprising New Study Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., D.A.C.B.N., M.S. There is now a new natural weapon to combat against the growing population of high blood pressure sufferers. Now this new weapon is as close as your backyard. What I am talking about is good old sunlight. Blood pressure levels… Read more »

Are Diabetics Being Cheated? 07105 NEWARK Are Diabetics Being Cheated? Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., D.A.C.B.N., M.S. A recent patient was concerned that despite watching her diet and taking her diabetes medication her hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c) keeps going up. Remember, HbA1c is a lab test that shows the average level of blood sugar (glucose) over the previous 3… Read more »