Posts By: chirolane

Taking the Burn Out of Heartburn 07105 NEWARK Hi readers!   I rarely reprint a Drs. Oz and Roizen posting so close to the date of the original publication but this one had a few elements I wanted to get out earlier than usual.   We hear a lot about obesity and we can see many people with… Read more »

Outsmart Your Genes With These Five Habits 07105 NEWARK Outsmart Your Genes With These Five Habits There’s a good reason you greet your friends by asking, “Hi, what’s up?” not “Hey, how’re your genes hanging?” You instinctively know what science is steadily confirming: What you do every day has more impact on how you feel, and whether you live long or die… Read more »

Top 10 Tips for Preventing Shin Pain 07105 NEWARK Top 10 Tips for Preventing Shin Pain A few simple steps can help prevent shin pain which often results in weeks off training and expensive treatment. 1. Increase training gradually. Yes, you have heard it before but we have to say it. Allow time for your body to adapt, particularly when changing from off road… Read more »

Between Pregnancy Weight Gain Increases Risk for Infant Death 07105 NEWARK Interpregnancy Weight Gain Increases Risk for Infant Death Maternal weight gain between pregnancies increases the risk for stillbirth and infant death during the first year of life, according to a nationwide cohort study published online December 2 in the Lancet. “Our findings might potentially have substantial public health implications,” write Sven Cnattingius, MD, from… Read more »

Dr. Lane’s Thoughts VI 07105 NEWARK Dr. Lane’s Thoughts VI 1) We have made it absurdly hard for young people to get ahead in this country.  “Good” jobs (this used to be a joke where GOOD stood for “get out of debt) involve putting off adulthood until you finish college because there are really no jobs for… Read more »

Breastfeeding ‘Protects Against Diabetes’ 07105 NEWARK Breastfeeding ‘Protects Against Diabetes’ New evidence has emerged on the role that breastfeeding could have in preventing diabetes. Early results from a Canadian study suggest that breastfeeding reduces the risk of mothers and their offspring developing the condition. Growing Rates of Diabetes A person with type 2 diabetes has high blood… Read more »

Knuckle Cracking “Firework” Flash Imaged By Radiologists 07105 NEWARK Knuckle Cracking “Firework” Flash Imaged By Radiologists December 3, 2015 | by Robin Andrews photo credit: Are you a crack addict? staras/Shutterstock The world is divided into two very distinct types of person: those who love cracking their knuckles, and those that truly, utterly despise it with every fiber of their being. So… Read more »

Couch potato in your 20s? Your brain may suffer in your 50s, study finds 07105 NEWARK Couch potato in your 20s? Your brain may suffer in your 50s, study finds Attention 20-somethings: If you want to preserve your brainpower for middle age and beyond, you should turn off the TV and head to the gym right now. Are you skeptical of this information? Consider the fates of… Read more »

The Complexity of Hypothyroidism 07105 NEWARK The Complexity of Hypothyroidism One of the most common complaints you as a doctor of chiropractic face on a daily basis is that of chronic fatigue. The only complaint you will hear most often is that of chronic pain. Furthermore, many patients with fatigue have done online research and come asking… Read more »

Dr. Lane’s Top Five Foods for Lowering Blood Pressure 07105 NEWARK Dr. Lane’s Top Five Foods for Lowering Blood Pressure 1. Asparagus: This vegetable is the number one choice for lowering blood pressure because it is rich in potassium. Although many other foods are high in potassium – bananas, citrus fruits, dried apricots, fish, whole-grain, legumes – asparagus is also a natural diuretic, which… Read more »